Supporters of Canada’s F-35 purchase point to the hundreds of millions of dollars worth of contracts that Canadian companies have earned by supplying parts for the U.S. aircraft. That, in turn, has sustained or created Canadian aerospace jobs. But on Feb. 28, the National Post reported that Trump has told Lockheed Martin he wants those jobs back in the U.S. when the Canadian contracts come up for renewal.
During the 2015 election campaign, Justin Trudeau vowed his government would never purchase the F-35.
As prime minister, Trudeau continued to point out the Canadian military had no need for the F-35 and he blamed the Conservatives for agreeing to purchase a problem-plagued fighter jet. But, with the 2023 announcement, the Liberals not only committed to the acquisition, but also increased the number of jets to be bought to 88 from the 65 the Conservatives had wanted.
I remember before the purchase was made, I was really hoping the government would purchase the Swedish Saab Gripen. I think it was one of the finalists for consideration (that’s what I remembered from a few news casts at the time, but not sure if it was an actual finalist, or just someone saying they thought it would be a good option.)
The main reason for me thinking we should have gone with the Saab, was that I trusted buying from Sweden more than the US. I can see the US putting some systems in place that could give them control or some way to negatively affect the F-35s. I remember someone saying that countries don’t have friends, only interests, but I’d still trust Sweden more than the US to not betray us in some way.
The biggest issue would be stopping sharing spares. Given the current government’s proclivity for using any leverage they can get their hands on… Well… I’d be nervous if I’d bought them.
Defence analysts warn U.S. will
control key systems on F-35 fighter jets,puttingCanada at risk.Just complain about multiple problems with the jet and cancel the order. Ask for a refund on the remaining jet if no refund is given, threaten trump that they will be sold to china.
They lost the receipt so they can only get 50% store credit
I mean yes but i also do not want a real war. Fascists looooove war. Americans too.
This would be easier if another ally (or an ally, rather) made a 5th gen fighter, but there are none. We’d be stuck either with ageing platforms or waiting another 10-15 years for Eoropeans to finish one of the 5th gens they’re working on.
The problem is that in the event of a conflict with the US, those jets would be entirely unusable because they’d shut them down. And we’d be billions of dollars down.
It would be better to spend that money elsewhere, even if it’s out of date, than to have nothing.
Well thats what we need to be putting our money in right now (speaking as a european). Even if america does not turn full authoritarian in the next 4 years and we get them back to our site, we can not sit this out right now. We need to be able to fight for our own interests, thats one of the few things Trump is right about (even though it is simply an excuse to drop us).
At that point China, Russia and America will be at their 6th
South Korea won’t sell theirs will they?
If our European friends want to start a made in Europe defense plan, ordering a boatload of next generation fighter jets from them seems helpful…
Europe doesn’t have a 5th gen fighter, and they’re beholden enough to the US that they did nothing when we blew up their natural gas pipeline, forcing them to buy our natural gas at exorbitant prices, during winter and are trying to fund our war even after we’ve stopped. America’s other vassals aren’t going to help you stop America.
China exports the J-35, Russia exports the Su-57. Making Lockheed stock crater when even Canada abandons them would light a fire under more congress member’s asses than anything else you can do.
Then again, it’s not like GD, LM, and Boeing would ever let their politicians fuck up the bag.
We’ve already seen that Boeing is willing and able to cause accidental falls from balconies.
Yeah we feel that issue as well. Hindsight being what it is we should have bought the Rafaele
Eurofighter Typhoon vs Dassault Rafale - Aero Corner
https: //aerocorner(dot) com/comparison/eurofighter-typhoon-vs-dassault-rafale
Eurofighter seems better …Edit : Oops, bad site. See instead :
.I have the feeling this article is written by AI.
What’s better about the Eurofighter Typhoon? There are a few key reasons why the Eurofighter Typhoon is a better choice than the Dassault Rafale. First, the Typhoon has a more powerful engine, which gives it better acceleration and top speed. Additionally, the Typhoon has superior avionics, including an active electronically scanned array radar that can track multiple targets at once.
What’s better about the Dassault Rafale? In a close fight, the Dassault Rafale is a better plane than the Eurofighter Typhoon. The Rafale has better avionics, a more powerful engine, and is overall more maneuverable.
Which is it ? Both have the superior avionics and more powerful engine. It’s contradictions like that through out the entire article.
You are right. So, i just now edited my post to better links.
At first i only gave a look at comparison of specification but then reading the article it’s quite bogus in fact.
@A_A The site you linked doesnt show but iirc the Rafaele is capabele of carrying a nuclear payload and the Eurofighter isnt.
You are right I posted that comment too fast before checking and i now corrected and edited my comment with better links.