I think they did a search for “trans” and it was either automatically discarded or if it was manually reviewed, the human didn’t read much more than the computer.
From what I’ve seen, most of those studies involved using hormones and studying their effects on mice for various aspects. The Trump misdirection comes in where they assume that any use of hormones automatically means it’s about transitioning. Hormone therapy is used in a ton of other situations, like treating menopause, genetic conditions and whatever it is men take extra testosterone for. Obviously it’s important to know the risks and effects of hormone therapy for transitioning too, and that’s also part of why those studies were commissioned.
Ironically, if they hadn’t cancelled those studies and let them play out, and those studies found adverse effects, they’d be all over that shit.
“Honestly” is doing some heavy lifting in that statement, but yes.
(The people masterminding selling the government off for their own profit know it’s a lie and don’t care, but the people who put that message on the White House website probably genuinely are stupid enough to buy into it.)
Actually (ignore the petulant bullshit), they didn’t misread anything. You can read each of those projects and see that it has nothing to do with transgenic anything. It is indeed related to how exogenous sex hormones affect mice.
Wait wait,
Are you telling me through a meme that they honestly misread some shit and posted it to the White House website (saw on another meme).
Man, if I wasn’t so worried about the future I would be laughing very hard right now (am chucking though).
I think they did a search for “trans” and it was either automatically discarded or if it was manually reviewed, the human didn’t read much more than the computer.
What are the odds they ban trans fats on accident?
“Trans is bad, but I’m also really fat. Does not compute. Bleep-bloop.” - Trump’s brain.
From what I’ve seen, most of those studies involved using hormones and studying their effects on mice for various aspects. The Trump misdirection comes in where they assume that any use of hormones automatically means it’s about transitioning. Hormone therapy is used in a ton of other situations, like treating menopause, genetic conditions and whatever it is men take extra testosterone for. Obviously it’s important to know the risks and effects of hormone therapy for transitioning too, and that’s also part of why those studies were commissioned.
Ironically, if they hadn’t cancelled those studies and let them play out, and those studies found adverse effects, they’d be all over that shit.
“Honestly” is doing some heavy lifting in that statement, but yes.
(The people masterminding selling the government off for their own profit know it’s a lie and don’t care, but the people who put that message on the White House website probably genuinely are stupid enough to buy into it.)
Actually (ignore the petulant bullshit), they didn’t misread anything. You can read each of those projects and see that it has nothing to do with transgenic anything. It is indeed related to how exogenous sex hormones affect mice.
I’ve given up on the future. I’m laughing my ass off.