Probably not a tonne of people responding to a British polling agency’s survey play basketball, but otherwise yeah. If we go by viewrship figures for the men’s final at Wimbledon, a little over an eighth of the country watches a game of tennis once a year
Apparently our national men’s team is ranked 48th, in between fellow basketball titans Senegal and Sweden
I guess we don’t really have a British equivalent that is a household name recognisable to non-fans in the way the Williams sisters are. We’ve got a few men who fit the bill, but that obviously doesn’t work for the question. If you need to name a woman that everyone immediately knows is really god damn good at tennis, one of the Williamses is probably gonna be the go-to regardless of where you ask
One in eight men who responded to the survey. Come on now probably only one in eight men even play tennis. More men play basketball for fucks sake
Probably not a tonne of people responding to a British polling agency’s survey play basketball, but otherwise yeah. If we go by viewrship figures for the men’s final at Wimbledon, a little over an eighth of the country watches a game of tennis once a year
Oh, I figured it was American because I am and she is. But yeah, probably not many Brits ballin
Apparently our national men’s team is ranked 48th, in between fellow basketball titans Senegal and Sweden
I guess we don’t really have a British equivalent that is a household name recognisable to non-fans in the way the Williams sisters are. We’ve got a few men who fit the bill, but that obviously doesn’t work for the question. If you need to name a woman that everyone immediately knows is really god damn good at tennis, one of the Williamses is probably gonna be the go-to regardless of where you ask