I hate the Big Bang Theory. Autistic people are the punchline.
I do this, but that doesn’t make me a gentleman. It’s just that people who litter are absolute fucking savages. Raised by wolves. Complete anarchists.
I’m always amazed that people actually throw stuff into the ground. Like why? There’s enough trashcan and is it really bad enough to take up your hands for you to even consider the possibility to throw it into the ground?
I was on the bus the other day and watched someone unpack an entire mcdonald’s haul and systematically put all the trash on the ground by their feet, kick it into the aisle, put the unwrapped food back in the bag, then stepped on the trash to leave one stop after they got on. Humans are amazing
When I smoked cigarettes, I would roll the cherry off and stick the butt in my pocket and carry it until I saw a trash can. The cretins at my work who leave cig butts on the ground make me sick. I saw one drop his butt in a garden planter the other day. A trash can was ten feet away. Assholes.
I don’t smoke but I thought they were biodegradable. Can you put them in the regular trash? I thought it was a firehazard. Where I work there are ash trays next to all the trash cans. But thank you for not being a littering piece of shit. I take bottles home and recycle them instead of throwing them away at work. People seem to think its bizzare.
I have always found the concept of littering bizzare. And not from a “do what is right” perspective.
“Do you not understand that it will be there basically your entire life, unless someone picks it up!? Every time you walk by, you will see that wrapper you just threw on the ground for months and years. You have pockets!”
Wait wait wait, are you telling me my actions have consequences?
Those people don’t even care about that. If it massed up in a pile outside their house, but not in an area they used, they’d walk right past it every morning. Plus (to them, anyway), that wrapper won’t be there, because of wind/rain/wildlife. It’s out of sight, out of mind for them, and fuck anyone who has it end up in their area.
I think that since you care about cleanliness of your environment you have trouble wrapping your head around some people not caring at all about that.
Some people don’t even notice garbage on the ground. I have seen a soon to be engineer throwing their trash out of the window like a century ago. He didn’t even notice the trash in the street below even though he was walking through it everyday.
It’s not about morality it’s about not giving a fuck to something so hard you don’t even notice it.
Also some people have a life so hard it’s just not possible for them to care about it. When it comes to survival I don’t blame people for not being able to care. If your concern is your next meal throwing your trash properly seems irrelevant.
your concern is your next meal throwing your trash properly seems irrelevant.
That’s stupid. Actively fucking over your environment for very little extra effort on your own part is somehow reasonable if you’re worried about eating?
I always grind my teeth when I see someone litter a receipt or a candy wrapper. They’re so small, put them in your pocket to throw away later!
They also make a great snack for later. /s
I always do this, but then forget to throw everything out afterward. I have just accepted that one of my jacket pockets is a rubbish bin now.
Nooo, that’s disgusting. The wrapper from the thing I just shoved into my face is trash now after all 😭
You fold it into itself so that it’s not dirty at all anymore?
When I was still smoking, I always forgot my little portable ashtray, so I did this a lot. My pants were abysmally smelly - but I can’t stand cigarette littering.
Did you ever accidentally set your pants on fire or melt a hole through polyester? This is a real question, by the way, I have no idea whether cigarette butts are still burninating when you’re done with them.
Just urinate on the butt before you put it in your pocket. It’s still less nasty than throwing it on the ground.
I’m not a smoker. I never have been. I’ve always been amazed that smokers somehow managed to get society to look the other way at such blatant littering.
Not the commenter, but you roll the burning part off. The remaining tobacco burns into ash and there’s no (real) littering. It is a form of pollution, but it sort of blows away.
I enjoyed it. Watched it randomly on TV every time it happened to run, and even rewatched all seasons in order a few years ago.
I’m an autistic nerd, so their setting is interesting to me, and I find the parody of the nerd scene on point. The humor is enough to make me laugh, although not a masterpiece, so overall decent series to watch.
People enjoyed and watched it would be the incredibly obvious answer
BAZINGA!!! (Hahahahaha)
I am superior to you
Yah but there is something deeply wrong happening here or perhaps you think it’s great
Yes binary thinker you’re correct
Ah! A rejoinder!
It’s a lot easier to stroke your own ego than it is to acknowledge that millions of people watched every episode live when it aired. Cry about it I guess? Or be smug? Whatever. https://screenrant.com/the-big-bang-theory-most-watched-seasons-ranked/
Marketing and hot women.
Explain what marketing tactic they used, that made the show last 12 seasons, but doesn’t work on 99% of other shows which get cancelled long before that
People making tiny inconveniences for themselves instead of imposing them on everyone else is the essence of civilization.
Something something when old men plant trees whose shade they knew they won’t sit in
Such a simple quote, yet so much wisdom.
People living in Japan nod in agreement. On the surface, the lack of public trashcans is an anti-terrorism measure in the wake of the sarin gas attacks and other domestic and international terrorism. In reality, it’s probably also a cost-cutting measure for the fixtures and their maintenance.
I love doing this, because two/three days later when I do laundry I find what I’ve been doing for the last few days as if I had kept a journal.
Yeah I do this too and my pockets are smelly but it’s great to empty my pockets at the end of the day and find pretty rocks and oddly configured screws
I was shocked when I visited the US and people actually occasionally just threw stuff on the ground without a second thought.
In my country you’d get so many bad stares from bystanders if you did that lol. I once got yelled on by an old women because I accidentally put my PET bottle in the general bin.
You sir are both a gentleman and lawful good