How dare anyone use modern inventions to make their lives simpler!
I don’t get what your issue is, man. It’s a self-aware meme about not wanting to mildly inconvenience yourself, when the previous alternative was to greatly inconvenience yourself. I don’t think anyone came here for advice on where and how they should spend their money.
If you genuinely think a single person here has lashed out at you, I suggest you step into the outdoors and get some 1-on-1 interaction with some other people. I’m sorry if you felt attacked. You can consume some bs to make it feel better if you want.
Did you look at the meme? The person is upset(lashing out) because their consumption is minorly inconvenienced. Keep chasing that high though, easy to believe your consumption is harmless when you aren’t the one leaping off factory roofs or swimming under a mountain of garbage.
I’m laughing my ass off at the fact that you think someone being upset and saying “this is bullshit” in their own home is lashing out. I hope nobody honks their horn at you today, bud.
I’m rolling on the floor laughing my ass off at your at your gluttony. Hope nobody suggests you wash your hands after going to the bathroom either, you might need to be hospitalized for the laughing fits.
Disabled people ordering their meds online:
“I’ll should stop consuming”
omg how did anyone get meds before the internet was invented.
How dare anyone use modern inventions to make their lives simpler!
I don’t get what your issue is, man. It’s a self-aware meme about not wanting to mildly inconvenience yourself, when the previous alternative was to greatly inconvenience yourself. I don’t think anyone came here for advice on where and how they should spend their money.
People get real defensive when you suggest they slow down their consumption. Addicts lash out when they need their fix.
If you genuinely think a single person here has lashed out at you, I suggest you step into the outdoors and get some 1-on-1 interaction with some other people. I’m sorry if you felt attacked. You can consume some bs to make it feel better if you want.
Did you look at the meme? The person is upset(lashing out) because their consumption is minorly inconvenienced. Keep chasing that high though, easy to believe your consumption is harmless when you aren’t the one leaping off factory roofs or swimming under a mountain of garbage.
I’m laughing my ass off at the fact that you think someone being upset and saying “this is bullshit” in their own home is lashing out. I hope nobody honks their horn at you today, bud.
I’m rolling on the floor laughing my ass off at your at your gluttony. Hope nobody suggests you wash your hands after going to the bathroom either, you might need to be hospitalized for the laughing fits.