Played Race for the Galaxy (a tableau building game), Through the Ages (civilization building card game) and Slay the Spire (roguelike deck builder). I’m very into strategy card games and deck builders
Oh nice, 3 of my fav games!
Betrayal at the house on the hill!
Only one haunt-rules based argument occurred.
_Nemesis: Lockdown_. I second-guessed my choice of an objective one too many times and died 💀
I finally played daybreak after owning it for a while. With two players everything went swimmingly and we still only won on the final turn. A hard but well earned experience. I felt in control on avoiding crisis and helpful for my teammate throughout the game.
Played Dune: Imperium - Bloodlines for the first time. I’ve played Dune: Imperium - Uprising before, and the new expansion was only ok. The Sardaukar Commanders were nice, but the tech tiles were barely used and seemed a little underpowered. I played as Steersman Y’rkoon, which has a funky little deck mechanism and maybe that just felt weird.
Love uprising and I’m thinking about picking the expansion up myself. Keep us apprised of your experiences if you play again sometime. Definitely interested to hear!
Lot of dice focused games recently.
Final Titan - print and play version of an upcoming dice auto battler by Richard Garfield. I really enjoyed it. Felt like King of Tokyo but with each of the characters having vastly different abilities. Has a comparatively smaller but more interesting decision space.
Space Base - Craps in Spaaaaaaaace! Snappy and keeps everyone engaged even when it’s not their turn. Always a crowd pleaser.
Through the Desert - Knizia classic multiplayer Go-like area control game.
Tyrants of the Underdark - solid deck building area control game. Still hasn’t gone stale despite playing it for years due to the brilliant variable market deck gimmick where you smash two out of six half decks together to form a different market deck each game
Been doing a few games of Slay the Spire recently. It’s good, but it took me like 7 hours for the full 4 acts. Anybody know if that’s standard, or my group is just really slow?
Would you recommend the game? I’ve spent like 1000 hours in the digital version, even beating ascension 20 with all characters, and the appeal that I can play fast and quickly roll games draws me in (the same happens to me with Through the Ages)
It’s definitely much slower. But you get to play through with friends, I suppose that’s the main appeal of the board game. Gameplay is very similar to the original, so if you enjoyed that you’ll enjoy this too.
We have about 40 games under our belts, most acts with 2 people take about an hour. First time runs with new folks takes about 1,5 to 2 if they are really slow. Mostly the pace is picked up after the first act. Less new things to learn etc. I would expect it to get faster, but it i s still a 4 hour game if you play it in 1 seating.
We have received the Santorini jickstarter including Riddle of the Sphinx. Really nice coop puzzler that feels just the right amount of challenging.
We also have been playing quite a lot of Marvel Champions, as we recently added Storm and Iceman to our roster. Really like their niche abilities and interactions.