Keep on keeping on.
I’m not watching trailers or reading articles for DS. The more excited I am for a game then more I avoid everything about it as trailers now days (especially movies) spoil so much.
10 minute trailer FYI
Not surprising. First game had movie length cutscenes ffs
I’ll actually turn on my ps5 for the first time in at least a year. Can’t believe it’s this summer.
I just started playing the first one for the first time and I am just not jiving with it at all. Every single thing about it just seems deliberately and pointlessly jarring and impossible to accept. I get that the counterpoint is that I am just too dumb to understand its brilliance. I do like seeing that it looks like the weird thumbs up bottle baby made it to part two though.
Yeah it definitely feels weird until you start getting more things to use
I think most people are on your side. For me it wasn’t until after the first few chapters (when I got to Lake Knot City) that the game really took hold of me.
Yea I’m taking vacation time to play this, for sure. Kojima always brings some crazy shit and hasn’t disappointed me yet.