Chuck Shumer is a traitor. He must be primaried.

I choose @aoc


    3 days ago

    If people voted in every primary, in every local and state election, that would be a constructive, slow and steady way to get your way in a democracy. The progressive politicians that you want are there, trying to start out in school boards and city councils.
    And you also have to sometimes vote for imperfect candidates, especially when the alternative is a plague-infested rat in a suit.

    But since you only invoke primaries as an act of protest, never constructively, the candidates that would have acted the way you want them to act, their political careers withered and died almost as soon as they started.

    People get what they vote (and not vote) for. People that started voting with Obama, should have started and kept on voting in every election. But no… that would have required (gasp!) making an effort beyond memes and soundbites! A couple of days a year! As such, any further Obama attempts to get his ideas and agenda past political opposition (and outright sabotage) were mauled to death in the 2010 midterms.

    “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Obama would have tried. But left-leaning voters are delicate flakes, both lazy and they want everything perfect on a platter on the first try, and they might as well not try at all. Just as mindless as the maga hordes.
    So things are always at square one… no, strike that - always at square zero or minus.

    Now people like trump and vance, musk and Schumer, AND the far-right Supreme Court, are a perfect example, the exact representatives, that reflect the government you chose, through inaction and petulance.

    Congratulations! This is how the world sees you.