Just break the law. You’ve not stated what the sentence is and it doesn’t sound very enforceable
Killing in the Name - Rage Against The Machine
And, then continue to listen whatever I want.
Peter Gabriel- In Your Eyes
Either Till It’s Over or Once Again by Tristam
Some mashup song that combines 5-6 songs
We Are The Others by Delain
A really hard question, id have to go with a classic. Elton John’s Rocket Man.
If it’d never get old,
The Cranberries - Zombie
However, for a track that wouldn’t get old for me very quickly
VØJ, Narvent - Memory Reboot
Dopesmoker by Sleep
Daughters of Darkness, by Halestorm.
Fuck yeah… Yo_oY
This is the Song that Doesn’t End -Lambchops Play Along
This was my first thought, played endlessly in the vacinity of the idiots banning music.
The 11 minute version of heard it through the grapevine cover by ccr where they just jam the hell out for the last half of the song
Or any instrumental by northlane. I like his vocals too but the instrumental just feels so good
Edit: Or maybe for longevity go with somrthing like the blue danube waltz or requiem in d minor
Baby shark
Then I can still torture my enemies
Big “you’re trapped in here with me” energy
https://youtu.be/nS9QtzGwBcc simple enough that maybe it won’t get annoying
Are other people allowed to hear our song when we play it? If so, I choose Macarena and then sell my attendance at parties and weddings and so on.
Big business brain