there, i said it. i know im the odd man out here but i just cant hold it in anymore. i love tv. i do not love this show.

its like depression distilled. zero positivity ever, zero joy from any character in any situation. its like watching torture porn.

i get it… it has some interesting ideas awash in a bucket of symbolism sprinkled with some of my favorite actors. it just seems like such a chore to watch not caring what happens next.


ok, go ahead, beat me up. i prolly deserve it.

    4 days ago

    I can see your point but I have to say some of the episodes are just shot\directed in an amazing way. I am a bit surprised in myself that the depressing nature of the show hasn’t bothered me and I think that is just because I am caught up in the story. I can’t agree with your statement about not caring what happens next. I need to know what happens to Gemma and what the hell Lumon’s end goal is.