Comprehending the source material and doing something else with it are not mutually exclusive. Creatives do new stuff that take things outside the box from which they took the elements, all the fucking time.
Do you complain about how self-insert fanfics frequently make characters behave in ways incompatible with canon?
Do you seriusly equate people spending hours of work to create fan content, with acts of genuine disrespect?
Do you actually think artists can only ever draw what they want to see, if they don’t “get” the source material the way you do?
Such a view is beyond unreasonable.
That, if anything, is offensive to me here.
This doesn’t hurt you. It doesn’t hurt the original work. It doesn’t hurt anyone.
It’s literally just more stuff, that people like, existing. But you file it under “bad”, because the people who enjoy it are fans of the same thing you are in a way you consider “incorrect”.
Like for fucks sake, if you only have bullshit to contribute, just keep it to yourself.
I’m saying don’t act like a dick to everyone you don’t agree with.
What’s this “tolerate your intolerance” high-horse, holier-than-thou line about? We’re talking about provocative anime art, bordering on hentai. Not someone’s human rights. Fukken relax.
I’m a dick to people who think it’s ok to shit on others because of what they’re into. Be that pornographic fanart or whatever else.
You’re suggesting I am failing to make people feel welcome in this community.
But the only things I’m saying are unwelcome, are these comments of yours. You’re drawing lines in the sand between who is and isn’t a fan. Who respects the source material, and who doesn’t.
Right now, you are making me feel unwelcome, in my own lemmy community. I am trying to get to you to see the problem, and improve your behavior.
Are you talking to me?
The artist?
The fans in general?
Who hurt you?
This kind of behaviour, pose and dress is not at all in Marci’s character.
It’s not good fan art because the only thing it captures about the original character is that she is female and pretty.
This feels like it was drawn by someone who doesn’t care about or doesn’t respect the series.
You realize that is an utterly insane take?
Comprehending the source material and doing something else with it are not mutually exclusive. Creatives do new stuff that take things outside the box from which they took the elements, all the fucking time.
Do you complain about how self-insert fanfics frequently make characters behave in ways incompatible with canon?
Do you seriusly equate people spending hours of work to create fan content, with acts of genuine disrespect?
Do you actually think artists can only ever draw what they want to see, if they don’t “get” the source material the way you do?
Such a view is beyond unreasonable.
That, if anything, is offensive to me here.
This doesn’t hurt you. It doesn’t hurt the original work. It doesn’t hurt anyone.
It’s literally just more stuff, that people like, existing. But you file it under “bad”, because the people who enjoy it are fans of the same thing you are in a way you consider “incorrect”.
Like for fucks sake, if you only have bullshit to contribute, just keep it to yourself.
Be sure to encourage others to participle in the community.
Are you saying I should tolerate your intolerance?
I’m saying don’t act like a dick to everyone you don’t agree with.
What’s this “tolerate your intolerance” high-horse, holier-than-thou line about? We’re talking about provocative anime art, bordering on hentai. Not someone’s human rights. Fukken relax.
I’m not a dick to everyone I disagree with.
I’m a dick to people who think it’s ok to shit on others because of what they’re into. Be that pornographic fanart or whatever else.
You’re suggesting I am failing to make people feel welcome in this community.
But the only things I’m saying are unwelcome, are these comments of yours. You’re drawing lines in the sand between who is and isn’t a fan. Who respects the source material, and who doesn’t.
Right now, you are making me feel unwelcome, in my own lemmy community. I am trying to get to you to see the problem, and improve your behavior.
If you do not, you will be removed.