They sell things that come in cups, or with napkins. Lots of people cycle/run/walk here instead of driving, seems pretty stupid.
Taking away the bins doesn’t mean you don’t produce rubbish…
Edit: I think there is still a bin IN the cafe, but most people eat/drink outside. Lots of people asking staff where the bins are. Still hypocritical I think though? (And still mildly infuriating to remove well used bins!)
Genuine answer here, as someone who volunteers for the parks. A lot of times the budgets are tight, depending on whose responsibility it is to clean up the area and what services are there/nearby, the staffing just isn’t available. Yeah it’s a pretty easy thing to do in theory, but in practice when it becomes “okay and 2 hours of your shift is driving out there and emptying the cans” it’s not a far leap to just “Remove the cans, make the snack stand dispose of their garbage on their own”
I mean I get it, the cans are nice but also, like you’re an adult. Throw your trash away on your own.
“But then people will throw it on the ground!” Okay then pay someone to stand out there and slap every idiot that thinks littering is okay because they couldn’t find a can in 10 seconds.
It’s common decency in plenty of places around the world to take your garbage with you until you find a can. It’s not hard.
That’s literally the patio of a commercial place that sells food enclosed in trash.
If they rely on volunteers to clean the trash, a lot of people are doing lots of things very wrong.
But you’ve removed all the cans rather than fix your budgeting problems.
I’m sure the parking lot or your house has one. Why do you think other people should pay for your laziness to dispose of your own garbage?
With that logic, why go to this park? The parking lot is outside and with nature and your house would have trees and nature around. So we should just all stay home near our trashcans. Ridiculous.
… did you hit your head today?
That’s the function of the parks service. And it’s taxpayer money, so it’s my money paying for it too.
The function of the parks service is to maintain the parks, rivers, and forests (aka nature) of the area they operate. Idk what in your view makes “nature conservation” overlap with “making sure entitled lazy dickheads have a trash can every 10 feet they can ignore” but you might want to reevaluate your stance here. Govt funding is tight enough for these agencies trying to do what they can as it is. Catering to “But I don’t want to hold my trash for 10 minutes” like a whining baby is not their concern. Nor should anyones be. You’re a grown adult. Take your trash, shove it in a pocket or a bag until you can throw it away like an adult.
Do you think you are currently speaking to any litterers? What in the world makes you think a) your rant will ever reach them, and b) that it will make them suddenly become decent people?
People are shit. You get trash in the bin or trash on the ground. I prefer the bin.
Well you’ve made it quite clear with your comments that you are a lazy litterer who also doesn’t return their carts.
So yeah, there’s atleast one.
*at least.
Lmfao I appreciate that people still think this is Reddit and correcting a minor mistake is going to be upvoted…
lol you said that, not me. Repeating it won’t make it true.
You can just admit you’re wrong instead of lashing out. Feels good.
So now instead of them being able to provide other services they need to continue piddling money away so you can be lazy and throw your trash where you please?
People don’t want to pay more taxes so you can just be lazy and need garbage cans every 20 feet dude… shitty take lmfao. They would much rather the money go to making things better, not perpetuating laziness and creating eyesores.
Do you think people like seeing and smelling garbage bins while taking a nature walk?! Seriously?
Better than seeing trash everywhere dude
They already have to because of the bins… remove them and people remove their garbage and all of a sudden. No garbage to look at it, no bins, no smell, no rodents and a pristine park.
And you WANT to ruin it with excessive garbage cans to ease your laziness?
You don’t return carts after shopping either I bet.
This is some cute magical thinking
Works plenty of places, but of course a lazy ignorant mook like you wouldn’t be able to realize it.
Check Japan out for some precedence dude….