DC is fully funded by congress and the GOP has threatened to defund the city. It’s easy to criticize that from afar but going against Trump would mean a lot of pain and a lot of deaths.
And the folks with medical devices that require power like respirators or CPAPs? When city power is shut off they should just die?
City infrastructure is incredibly important and DC is in a uniquely vulnerable position.
Edit: If you’re in favor of murdering people with disabilities then I’m happy to say that your guy has really pulled through for you: https://lemmy.world/post/27063068
DC is fully funded by congress and the GOP has threatened to defund the city. It’s easy to criticize that from afar but going against Trump would mean a lot of pain and a lot of deaths.
DC needs statehood.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
“but tHeY wIlL dEfUnD tHe cItY”
they are going to anyway! Fucking STOP THEM. You’re the ones with GUNS and BADGES.
And the folks with medical devices that require power like respirators or CPAPs? When city power is shut off they should just die?
City infrastructure is incredibly important and DC is in a uniquely vulnerable position.
Edit: If you’re in favor of murdering people with disabilities then I’m happy to say that your guy has really pulled through for you: https://lemmy.world/post/27063068
Nice strawman, shit for brains; I post “don’t comply with fascists” and your respose is “WHY DO YOU WANT TO MURDER THE DISABLED”?
This is fascist behavior itself, twisting my words and then playing victim. Fucking pathetic.