The Trump administration defied a judge’s order to stop migrant expulsions to El Salvador, then told the judge to be more “respectful.”
Judge James Boasberg demanded details on the flights, suspecting the government ignored his orders. The administration refused, claiming judicial overreach and possible state secrets.
Migrants, allegedly gang members, were sent to a brutal Salvadoran prison under an old wartime law. Trump officials mocked the judge, and Chief Justice Roberts issued a rare rebuke.
The administration has appealed, with another hearing set for Friday.
… the Trump administration told the judge Wednesday to be more “respectful.”
Has he said “thank you” once?!
In his life? No. The word is not in his lexicon. Funnily enough, neither is the word “lexicon”.
“Lexic … Lexi? She’s very attractive!”
“Tremendously attractive. A TRUE American model. Doesn’t ask questions, just listens. I say, “Lexi, come here,” she comes. I ask her to sit, she sits. NOBODY obeys like Lexi. Lexi KNOWS a leader when she sees it. When she’s around, everybody calls me the alpha dog. It’s true. I can grab her by the pussy, no complaints, no issues. JD tried that once. It didn’t work, he got scars. BIG scars. Me? Lexi lets me do whatever I want. Anything. Everything. Any time of day. Real leadership. That’s me. The STRONG lead, the weak OBEY. The Democrats, they THINK they’re strong. They’re weak. They obeyed. Lexi won’t listen to a Democrat. You heard it from me folks, when she saw BIDEN, she growled. Lexi obeys me, and lexi won’t obey Biden. Democrats are NOT leaders. Lexi knows it, I know it, you know it, everybody knows it.”
Jail. Them. For. Contempt.
Whoopsie, looks like we ignored your ruling!
This judge is being disrespectful!
Pick one, asshats.
I’m gonna need you to get aaaaaaalllllllll the way off my back
With all those legal checks in place, ignoring the constitution is gonna be tough…
^Surely, you were promoting this response^
Super easy, barely an inconvenience!
Shut the fuck up Trump you orange fucking Russian cunt muppet.
From the bottom of my very loving Canadian heart: Go choke on the barrel end of a fully loaded shotgun. Get dead already.
Not a day goes by that I don’t wake up hoping that he pissed off Putin and shot himself. Twice. In the back of the head, before stepping out of a window.
One can dream.
He’s more likely to choke on a hamburger, or die of natural causes.
How many of us lost grandparents younger than he is? I lost multiple younger than he… Death does not wait for the wealthy any more than it waits for us poors. His days are numbered.
I was once told by someone deeeeeeep in underground culture that “sometimes respect doesn’t just mean respecting what I do, it means doing what I say.” Or something along those lines.
The similarities of that culture and the American government im witnessing is identical.
I’ve also heard that “some people are disposable”. Americans are so naive they don’t understand we are basically their product. We can be thrown out to die like damaged goods, things that didn’t meet QC, or just written off as waste. This is a real warning to naive people.
I spent years in a phase of surrealism before I finally had to take a hard look and realize people are evil and they are all around us, from the bottom of the street to the president.
I’d love for one of these judges hold one of these lawyers in contempt. It’s the judge’s court, not the theirs.
surprised there wasnt an ‘or else’ after it.
the dictator is basically threatening judges, because thats what asshole dictators do.
Next they’ll be going after the judge’s family members.
If these judges don’t start demonstrating strength by jailing the fascists for contempt, they’re going to end up getting jailed themselves instead.
Power that is not used is not power.
do i have to fucking protest in defense of courts now?? donald is a fucking tenkai star for his enemies to unite against
These bitches have never shown respect themselves and here they are demanding it. Fuck you, Trump Regime.
what are they trying to do? piss off the judge ‘too much’, then go to scRotus and whine and cry about the lower court judge being ‘biased’ against them?
They want to declare the courts undemocratic, and when the resistance from the courts is all gone, they destroy democracy completely, to make the President a totalitarian dictator.
The judges all know Trump has just bull rushed around consequences for crimes against this county, and he’s a lot more powerful now. They won’t push their luck. The scotus majority will make nice, then the next distraction will come along.
Basically. Every time this district court judge does a new thing, they file a whiny motion, basically tattle-tale-ing, with the appeals court. The appeals court hasn’t said anything about the tattle-tale letters yet. They set a very expedited briefing schedule on the appeal, but not as fast as the government wanted.
“Respectful” and “Tariffs” are proof of Dunning-Kruger on the GOP’s part.