Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave Sen. John Fetterman a "silver-plated beeper" this week in reference to Israel's 2024 explosive pager attack.
John fetterman, who once held an innocent black jogger at gunpoint with a loaded shotgun because someone set off some fireworks nearby, who was elected to gentrify his town and mainly did his “amazing projects” because his rich dad suddenly was willing to dump a ton of money into the town now that his kid was mayor (on top of paying his kid 50k a year since the mayor gig paid dick)
Also his second election he literally abused his power to release confidential arrest records on his opponent to smear his record. And he only won the first time by a single vote.
He was placed in the mayor gig to gentrify the town and remove “undesirables”. He is a class traitor from the beginning. He is a rich daddy’s boy who never did any serious work and was bank rolled by privilege. He was happy to take his generational wealth and use that to uproot people from “his” town that he felt didn’t meet the “target demographic”. Neolibs loved this because on paper he raised property values! He lowered crime! But he didn’t do this by addressing any systemic issues or helping the community in any real way. He did it by sweeping problems under the rug
Fuck John fetterman. I unironically hope that pager blows up
I forgot to mention he not only has never apologized for mistakenly holding the black jogger at gunpoint (when he had no reason to do so other than being suspicious of black folk in “his” town) he has actively refused to do so. This became a problem during his senate run because of Ahmaud Arbery’s murder, which was essentially the same exact scenario except two dipshit white idiots that egged each other on into murdering the innocent jogger they kidnapped for no reason.
The dnc actively worked to downplay the fact that their new wunderkid was a racist shithead because he polled well, aligned with Israel, was a class traitor, etc. they fuckin love fetterman. Now he’s the heel that lets them get gop bullshit pushed through which they love even more (so much that their fucking leadership does it)
John fetterman, who once held an innocent black jogger at gunpoint with a loaded shotgun because someone set off some fireworks nearby, who was elected to gentrify his town and mainly did his “amazing projects” because his rich dad suddenly was willing to dump a ton of money into the town now that his kid was mayor (on top of paying his kid 50k a year since the mayor gig paid dick)
Also his second election he literally abused his power to release confidential arrest records on his opponent to smear his record. And he only won the first time by a single vote.
He was placed in the mayor gig to gentrify the town and remove “undesirables”. He is a class traitor from the beginning. He is a rich daddy’s boy who never did any serious work and was bank rolled by privilege. He was happy to take his generational wealth and use that to uproot people from “his” town that he felt didn’t meet the “target demographic”. Neolibs loved this because on paper he raised property values! He lowered crime! But he didn’t do this by addressing any systemic issues or helping the community in any real way. He did it by sweeping problems under the rug
Fuck John fetterman. I unironically hope that pager blows up
Wow that is so disgusting. This is why I don’t have heroes.
I forgot to mention he not only has never apologized for mistakenly holding the black jogger at gunpoint (when he had no reason to do so other than being suspicious of black folk in “his” town) he has actively refused to do so. This became a problem during his senate run because of Ahmaud Arbery’s murder, which was essentially the same exact scenario except two dipshit white idiots that egged each other on into murdering the innocent jogger they kidnapped for no reason.
The dnc actively worked to downplay the fact that their new wunderkid was a racist shithead because he polled well, aligned with Israel, was a class traitor, etc. they fuckin love fetterman. Now he’s the heel that lets them get gop bullshit pushed through which they love even more (so much that their fucking leadership does it)
Yeah he fooled many of us Penn residents. The media failed to report this. I’m looking at you John Oliver.
What a fucking shame.
Have a look at the things Brian Blessed and Christopher Lee have done. Each is worthy of being your hero.
I’ve got such a crush on Brian blessed.
And here he is celebrating a terror attacks that killed civilians in multiple countries… Fuckerman can fuck off in his fake working class outfit