Sorry, heard somewhere empathy is a weakness. Got no time to feel empathetic for trash like the rich
No empathy for the unempathic!
WhY iS eVeRyBoDy AlWaYs PiCkIn’ On Me??
I hope we squeeze this crybaby bitch until he’s living on the street failing at sucking dick for his Ketamine fix. Fuck him and the rest of the billionaires. They simply shouldn’t exist
I like how the main reason Tesla stock went up recently was because of corruption. Like just plain and simple. Everyone assumes Trump is gonna give Tesla a huge government contract and they wanted to cash in on that too.
Seriously… asshole trying to fire everyone, take their benefits, and is generally a cunt about it, but now wants to play the victim. Fuck off.
Like a true starved for attention narcissist who’s parents didn’t love him, he’s just saying whatever it is he thinks people want to hear to make them like him.