"Patch for the PlayStation 1 game The Adventure of Little Ralph. Translates all text other than the credits into English. No graphical edits have been made, but most are in English anyway so the game is fully playable and the plot can be fully understood.

Use the redump patch if you have a redump version of the game (Rev 1), the other patch otherwise.


Filename: Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken - The Adventure of Little Ralph (Japan).bin

CRC-32: e9d539f9

SHA-1: e56f5626d910131b3e1030c8420bb9c294fe850d

Filename: Chippoke Ralph no Daibouken - The Adventure of Little Ralph (Japan) (Rev 1).bin

CRC-32: 3547c6e2

SHA-1: e76b38adf940782d9f84327bb518ecfc33602700


Hacking - zander3312

Translation - TABA

Special thanks to Blendy Boy for playtesting and to Hilltop, Jonko, and slowbeef for inspiration"