I’d love that old friends, unfortunately you know how you’ve been making fun of us for having a surplus of cruel morons for a long time now? Yeah I suppose yall may have been more correct than it seemed to us
Yeah I suppose yall may have been more correct than it seemed
We had some distance and luck. It’s like how we fervently hope that the Banker is gonna defeat Milhouse and keep America’s Shirt from getting a stain of its own … but aren’t sure he can.
I’d love that old friends, unfortunately you know how you’ve been making fun of us for having a surplus of cruel morons for a long time now? Yeah I suppose yall may have been more correct than it seemed to us
We had some distance and luck. It’s like how we fervently hope that the Banker is gonna defeat Milhouse and keep America’s Shirt from getting a stain of its own … but aren’t sure he can.