Man I’m a bit of “natural” mimic i guess, I once binge watched a season of Fargo and started talking like that, then I heard myself talking like that, couldn’t get my normal accent back, so I just was quiet for a few days. There is nothing harder to do than fake your natural accent (Grew up in a county with a lot of people with the Minnesota accent, this probably had something to do with it, although I personally had a Montana accent, and this happened when I lived on the west coast and my accent had been quite nerfed.)
Ya, shurrre, ya betch ya.
Man I’m a bit of “natural” mimic i guess, I once binge watched a season of Fargo and started talking like that, then I heard myself talking like that, couldn’t get my normal accent back, so I just was quiet for a few days. There is nothing harder to do than fake your natural accent (Grew up in a county with a lot of people with the Minnesota accent, this probably had something to do with it, although I personally had a Montana accent, and this happened when I lived on the west coast and my accent had been quite nerfed.)
Little known fact: the Boundary Waters are not only a boundary between Minnesota and Canada, but also spaaaaaaaace!