Ah yes of course. Wealth = success. Tried and tested, corporate approved line. There is nothing that wealth cannot buy. Nothing of any worth to human experience is not encompassed in the pursuit of wealth and money.
It sure is a good thing that the world offers us all exactly the same opportunities to be “successful” and that is the true measure of a person.
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I would help you if you’re beaten down, and you would accept it too.
I am in a position of giving freely without losing much of anything too.
It’s sad to see what you are, but you’ll figure it out eventually. Life has its way’s.
How do you give up a house without loosing too much? Are you a billionaire or something?
Who says you need to give up a house? Where does that come from?
Define “successful”
That’s all. Then I’ll make fun of you in a more accurate way.
In this context, successful - wealthy enough to own a house, or maybe a few.
Ah yes of course. Wealth = success. Tried and tested, corporate approved line. There is nothing that wealth cannot buy. Nothing of any worth to human experience is not encompassed in the pursuit of wealth and money.
It sure is a good thing that the world offers us all exactly the same opportunities to be “successful” and that is the true measure of a person.
What a pathetic world view, my guy.