As soon as I saw his dumbass in the White House I fucking knew it
Anyone reading this thinking he may actually have a chance: No.
Thankfully we’re all still fairly rational and rapist right wing clowns don’t get elected on anti-immigration platforms.
Hey, that’s what I thought in 2015. Take it seriously or join the FAFO, it is very unfun.
Sounds like paradise to me 💚
What an embarrassment.
This rapist can get fucked, he sat on his hole claiming the dole then got picked for the shortest run of fights to champ. He is a piece of shit, maybe there would be less immigrants if he had bothered to work for a living.
The Irish left Ireland and built the world, immigrants did the same in Ireland.
Fuck McGregor
Too many hits to the head I guess
Lads please don’t vote for this fucking clown
He’s also releasing his latest book, called “To Be Irish” or TBI for short
Total Brain Injury
I was going for a Traumatic Brain Injury pun, but in this case you’re correct
Epic News called it: