Waiting for trump to send off musk to death camp for being a terrorist.
This reminds me of “Clarke and Dawe - The Front Fell Off” skit XD
It’s 18 months old and falling apart, literally.
Every wankpanzer ever? I had to check it wasn’t the onion. It’s not the onion.
The side is falling off.
And this time it is indeed typical
This is why we don’t make them out of paper, or paper derivatives.
Here is a guy explaining the problem. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WldSl3HGr8
It appears multiple panels on the truck are just glued on which is crazy. Will Tesla just slather on bunch more glue and call it good? That seems like a bandaid over a pretty major problem. I’ll be sure there is a large distance between my car and one of these shitty trucks on the road in case they decide to shed some large panels.
According to the article I read yesterday they are adding stronger glue and a bolt.
That is also what this article says.
Although a single bolt is going to need to be quite strong to hold down a long piece of steel exposed to high speed wind regularly.
One bolt is probably find if the panel isn’t catching wind. But if that thing gets damaged it’s likely to shear off at speed. Stay away from dented cyber trucks!
Let’s hope they won’t cheap out on those bolts. Thankfully cheaping out on everything is not an habit they have, right?
Nono. Not bolts.
A. Bolt.
The same bolt. Put it in. Run through the QA test (which is just Bobbie trying to rip it off with his bare hands). If Bobbies’ hands bleed before the panel comes off, they mark the test as passed, remove the bolt and move on to the next one.
They probably had some office assistant order a pallet of bolts from Home Depot.
This is the company that glued the accelerator pedal on, you think they know what grade of bolt they need?
Could this be the worst designed car ever made? I really wish we could have a Top Gear episode on it.
Whislindiesel made short work of one of these cars, absolutely glorious
James did a test drive and he seemed to kind of like it, it was on drive tribe I think.
Yep. He wasn’t really reviewing the nuts and bolts, just the drive experience. I didn’t get the impression he got a ton of time with it and only spent an afternoon puttering around. It felt below his standard honestly for thoroughness.
I would probably like it too if i didn’t have to pay for it and keep it and maintain it. These cars aren’t on the streets anymore in 10 years. They will never be street legal in a non shit hole country
Based Tesla makes a car that vandalizes itself
This has exposed the sales numbers, and impressively, it’s sold even worse than the Fire Phone.
I’m not sure that really says much. I hate swasticars as much as y’all do, but like, $400 phone versus $100K car. Makes sense the fire phone sold better. And I mean, it wasn’t being pushed by a literal Nazi so that helps.
The phone was $650 at launch, carrier-locked to AT&T, and was pushed by Jeff Bezos.
46k trucks sold so far. For comparison, rivian sells about that many of their trucks every year.
To be fair, Rivian is selling as many trucks as they can produce. Rivian could sell more vehicles if they had the line capacity.
Tesla is an older company with more mature manufacturing lines, and they can make more Trucks, but no one wants them.
I still can’t believe that 46k people are both that stupid and have 100k to spend.
Go to Boulder CO and you’ll see plenty of rich morons with that kinda cash. I saw multiple swastitrucks a day over there
the vast majority of them i see around my area have branding decals plastered all over them. no doubt they are being used as a business expense or some other dumb shit.
A van would be so much better for advertising. Much more space to put a logo and text plus it’s higher up and therefor more easily visible.
You could put a blinking neon light ad all over the entire night sky, but if someone farted, you would still look around and ask “who farted?”.
The Tesla is so stupid ugly that it attracts attention the same way.
I saw a local restaurant with its branding on it the the other day. Well, there’s one restaurant I never need to try.
. . . and have 100k to spend.
You can get an 84 month auto loan these days if you’re dumb enough to do it.
I’m curious, does Tesla have its own financing division that gives out these loans?
They do.
That’s still over $1000 a month to buy a fucking car
It’s more of a self-igniting dumpster.
If you’re dumb, and you can get $15-17k from selling an existing vehicle, you can get a 3 year lease down to delta of $500-$600.
Telsa was pushing leases pretty hard because a lot of EV incentives are lease-only. I’ll bet they duped a lot of people into putting a shitload down for a lease.
I forgot the Fire Phone was a thing.
I will never forget, and I will hold onto my Fire Phones (yes, plural) until the day I die.
Holy fuck they still work? Can you run any modern apps on them? Does the 3D give you a headache?
Update: Still Alive
Daaang, I forgot about the 4 (!!!) front cameras. Super creepy. Like, one is already bad and accepted but four…
Wow, that’s fucking awesome. Can you put it on a network?
I don’t have any spare SIM cards lying around, but I do recall doing a brief test a couple years ago, and apart from some problems with SMS message formats, things seemed to work fine.
Unless you’re referring to WiFi, to which the answer is of course, as that’s how the time and date got set correctly. On boot it somehow thought it was an hour earlier and eight days ahead, but still on a Friday; I forgot to check which year, though.
Updates stopped at a special KitKat-based FireOS version, so most modern apps are likely broken. Dynamic Perspective never gave me a headache - it’s actually pretty well implemented - but it does get boring after ten to fifteen minutes.
I think I’ll charge one up and see how it’s doing!
What’s dynamic perspective?
The difference with the old trim is that the new one will have a better adhesive assembly and “a stud welded to the stainless panel with a nut clamping the steel panel to the vehicle structure.”
It’s a good thing Elon doesn’t think “exposed screw heads are cool.”. This could have been fixed with a carbide drill bit and some self-tapping screws.
The new models are being fixed by “nut clamping”
Thats absolutely meaningless in the face steel plates adhered to a plastic frame.
Can I be added to the recall? 🥹
Only if you take me with you!!
Is this a service rendered to the owners or the vehicles?
“We are not robbers.”
“Ok, you can rub them.”
So what i gather is there’s probably a readily available solvent to dissolve the glue and make any Swasticar Wankpanzer fall the fuck apart?
It’s called cold weather.
So, liberal use of dry ice FTW?
I can’t help but think “Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly” with this news
“The front fell off.”
I wonder if those protesters vandalizing Teslas know this is their big opportunity? Insurance companies insuring auto shops are fewer in number and more selective than those serving the general population. If these trucks were damaged while waiting for repairs, we might witness insurance companies altogether dropping coverage for shops. Without insurance these places will find it difficult to continue existing.
I have questions about what auto shops you think are doing recalls because it’s only Tesla’s service centers are going to be legally allowed to perform the recall (that’s how it works for every automaker). So it’s the same place they’re already going to protest (in most cases) and the same insurance. Regardless, the recall isn’t an “insurance thing per se” because Tesla the company is the insurance in this case. They will be footing to bill for any and all repairs done under recall. And more than likely the recalled vehicles won’t be sitting around the shop or lot waiting for parts because it’s up to consumers who will absolutely take their vehicle and leave if parts aren’t in stock.
It might be different with Tesla but most dealerships are independent from the company manufacturing the vehicles. Dealerships typically also run the service shop and have to carry their own insurance.
Tesla is different. They don’t have franchises. They haven’t granted them anywhere. They run what’s called a Direct to Consumer Business Model. That means they own and operate their own service centers and Galleries/Showrooms. That means it’s just Tesla Motors operating everything and carrying the insurance etc.
I’m not saying it wasn’t safe, it just wasn’t as safe as the other ones lololol thanks for this
How do I know exactly what video that is without a preview and before clicking the link? 😂🤣
Because the front fell off.
I’d like to say, that’s not typical.
Also, apparently the back fell off too…
What a fucking literal rolling dumpster 🤦♂️
Max tongue weight for a Cybertruck is 1100 lbs. They put almost ten times on it before it broke. It was fun, but it’s not a valid test.
Incorrect, their listed maximum towing capacity is indeed stated to be 11,000 pounds (4,990 kilograms)
Feel free to check for yourself…
Tongue weight and towing capacity are two different things.
Is this a sketch or a real interview?
Edit. It’s a sketch. I was hoping there was a real politician like that lol
You’re wishing for more idiots in this day and age?