First time playing ksp, doing a science playthrough
I have never actually played the campaign once in my life. I always go straight to sandbox and then strap as many solid fuel boosters as I can to a staged rocket and inevitably eviscerate a few kerbals attempting to go faster than light through sheer loss of FPS.
It’s fun every time.
I may not have ever successfully landed on the mun, but I am pretty sure I have accelerated a kerbal faster and higher than most people ever will without the assist of mods/cheats.
Campaign is fun because you have to unlock the parts you need to do the job by first doing the job poorly and exploding a bunch of times because you’ve never used that part before and never will use it again. It’s FuN fUn FuN fUn FFFFFFFUN!
cern should put kerbals in the lhc
Might break the space-time continuum.
Send it
Its embarrassingly bad but sure:
I made a bunch of improvements since, so now at least it reaches space:
Now to make it actually orbit kerbin 🤪
with that amount of control surfaces you could probably flap your way to orbit lmao
The aerodynamics are really annoying me, I dont understand them at all. I just make the aero/mass center the same. It wobbles like crazy but at least it stays straight.
Yeah, the aerodynamics were pretty confusing for me when I started as well, iirc there was a pretty old scott manley video that explained it well.
Essentially you want to keep the aero centre behind the centre of mass (COM), because this gives you passive stability (it stays straight). You don’t need control surfaces for this.
If you need maneuverability (like in an aeroplane) you want to keep them as close as possible, but keep in mind the COM will move over time because you use up fuel.
The optimal position for control surfaces are as far away from the COM as possible, because this gives you the most torque. Control surfaces close to the COM will just translate the aircraft instead of rotating it (like flaps on a plane)
Modern fly by wire jets like the f16 and su27 are aerodynamically unstable (aero centre in front of COM) but this isn’t really feasible in KSP unfortunately