Who the fuck advocates for de-funding their own public services?
Edit: can’t spell
Mini dictators that want to control their slaves…
When you see “Alabama” and “books” in the same headline, you can pretty much write the rest of the article in your head, and you know it’s gonna be bad.
Did it have a bible again?
I mean, have you read Ezekiel 23:20? So raunchy!
So now they’ll protect everyone from reading…
Yet another instance of a few conservative political activists ruining good things for the rest of us. People, if this is happening in your communities, you need to be in the streets protesting, flooding the lines of your representatives, and organizing, because they WILL NOT STOP. YOU NEED TO PUSH BACK.
From now on all libraries are only allowed to carry the bible, “The Art of the Deal” and “Mein Kampf”.
The Bible contains too many woke messages like the immorality of wealth.
It’d be easier if libraries didn’t have any books at all but instead just had a TV running a prosperity gospel televangelist 24/7.
Then they sign the “To Aid Tinnitus Effectiveness” act, making it mandatory for schools and libraries to put Tate’s podcast on repeat at maximum volume as a way of “enhancing learning capabilities”, if silence feels good it must be woke!
Otherwise known as the holy trinity of education
What is with Gen X/Millennial parents wanting to preserve their teens as little children for as long as possible?
Right wing media brainwashing.
Hell yeah, maybe they’ll burn down their hospitals next
The book they mention is “Sold” which has a 9th grade reading level and is intended for people 13+ according to McCormick. So because they didn’t move books like that from the Youth section to the adult section, they are defunding them.
Let’s get this straight, what does that do? If you move their reading level to the adult sections then they will look for books there… Meaning they will come in contact with books intended for even older audiences. I don’t get it.
13 year olds are not adults, so why would the book be in an adult section anyway?
Of course, all of this is an obvious smokescreen for right wingers lashing out at anything they deem as intolerable.
There will never be a union between the educated and tolerant, and people who align themselves with right-wing authoritarian rhetoric.
Oh I don’t think they should move them, but that was what they claimed was their reasoning on the article. They demanded a list of books were moved to the adult section. Which Sold apparently is about a young girl being kidnapped and sold in India, so I can understand why there might be a parent out there that may think it isn’t for their child, and other clearly would think that’s when they should read it. To me it just means maybe the guardians should be involved in telling their kids why or why not they should check out a book.
Also defunding libraries that protect them next at 11. Parents Might is Parents rights
Inappropriate books like the Bible?