For anyone out of the loop certain people have latched onto this thing about Carney’s possible PAST assets that isn’t a standard for anyone else. What I’d like to bring up one of the people pushing this stuff out is CBC.
This is the same thing we’ve seen Americans news outlets do where as Trump style politics has completely overtaken the right wing politics and the Traditional Media has been trying make things look fair and balanced by artificially making the insane look sane while the anyone else is held to a increasingly high standard.
Current day mainstream media is already heavily right wing dominated.
Going back to CBC I don’t understand what they’re doing because the right wing thinks they’re propaganda while the left has to watch them put out straight up hit pieces while begging to be saved.
Carney announced last week that he has put his financial assets into a blind trust to shield himself from any conflicts of interest.
A blind trust means Carney’s financial assets are handled by a trustee who has the legal authority to manage them but who is barred from seeking his input. Carney wouldn’t know what is in his blind trust portfolio, but would know what those assets were before they were divested.
Under the current government ethics rules meant to guard against conflicts of interest, Carney had 60 days to disclose his assets to the ethics commissioner upon being sworn in and another 60 days before that information goes public.
Asked Monday if he should disclose what financial holdings he had before they were put into the blind trust, Carney said he has exceeded the expectations of the current rules and is being held to a different standard.
“Your line of questioning is trying to invent new rules. I’m complying with the rules that Parliament has laid out and… I will continue to comply with those rules,” he said.
Also whatever this is :
Prime Minister Mark Carney pushed back on reporter questions about his financial holdings during a news conference on Monday.
The unnamed reported in question is Rosemary Barton - Chief Political Correspondent for CBC the same news network he works for.
On top of this the top two (at least) biggest blue bubbles in that graphic are rather questionably blue. Trevor Noah is about as much grey as blue and TYT whatever color best signifies rage farmers.
Media as a whole has incredibility large biases to the right. Almost every Social media platform is okay with people making things up but a person that tags and calls them out on it is considered the “harrasser”.
Editorial leads won’t mean a thing when news of Danielle’s self-disclosure in the Breitbart interview breaks tomorrow.
I wonder if it will “break” outside of the outrage in places like this because that thing is for more than 2 weeks ago and was entirely public. I can understand why I wouldn’t listen to that crap but you’d think a number of people in the news world saw it and just went meh.
I’ll go out there and say I would be happier if they expedited this process. Yes, he has120 days to disclose this information. No, I don’t think he’s breaking any rules. And no, I have no idea just how complicated the process is, and getting it all wrapped up in 120 days may already be very difficult. But more transparency isn’t a bad thing.
Also, I don’t see what they’re trying to say with the stock options. This is very common in the higher echelon of business and what are the other options? If they require him to divest as soon as they mature, he now has knowledge of when divestment occurs and can game the system in his favor. The only way that doesn’t happen is if it’s left to the manager of the blind trust, so Carney only knows when they can divest, not when they will.
Barton has always had an axe to grind with Carney, but was a total fangirl for Trudeau (who I would say is less trustworthy). It’s bizarre.
The thing is as Carney brought up with Pierre’s security clearance CBC has pretty much just reported it in passing like he doesn’t have it, he doesn’t want it and that means he can’t access certain information, that’s that.
They’ve never gotten into this back and forth of what’s Pierre must be hiding. Like who in the major networks is grinding a axe with any of the Conservatives.
I don’t really think Pierre has anything in particular to hide. I just think he gives priority to his job as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada rather than his job as leader of His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. And while putting party over country might be good for the party, I can’t respect it no matter who it is.
Pierre puts Pierre over anything else.
Oh, I imagine he has some embarassments in there, but it’s probably better to rip the bandaid off now and get it out of the way.