Personally, I love snes & ps2. Those are my favorite consoles and I find a lot of the games really hold up.

The odd time I’ll dabble in n64 or arcade purely for nolatalgia. I don’t really bother with systems I didn’t play prior.

What about you lot?

  • SixtyM
    2 days ago

    I’ve definitely spent the most time with Switch and Wii U emulation. Purely because the emulators existed while the consoles were still current. I still owned both consoles for online play, but emulation was just a better and higher resolution experience so long as the game was compatible. That and mods for Zelda and MK8 fan made map packs.

    I’ve been emulating since Win 3.11 / DOS days, current day I have fullsets of pretty well everything up to 6th gen including arcade on my NAS.

    At one point also owned every successful or partially successful console (but I exclusively used flashcarts or mods on every one of my consoles to save money, didn’t buy used games) from the 70’s up until I sold my collection off in the PS4 era and went all in on emulation…to free up space in my house 😅…was getting overwhelming.

    PCSX2/RPCS3 are also interesting even just as programming marvels translating such alien hardware found in PS2/PS3. There’s a lot of unique games on both consoles too. Good generations. PS2 especially like you say.

    Also spent a lot of time in my youth with messy N64 emulation/plugins as my username would suggest, but I’ve definitely played pretty much all there is worth your time to death already.

    I don’t really bother with systems I didn’t play prior.

    It’s pretty tough for me to go back to 2D consoles, the games just don’t hold my attention anymore outside of a few standout exceptions per console. There was soooo much awful shovelware in the 80’s especially. I’m pretty harsh on the NES despite it being my first home console as a kid :P Going further back is worse. I can’t say I enjoyed anything on the Atari 2600. More of a curiosity piece. The only Intellevision game I really like is SNAFU! lol.