the millions of children who have it worldwide are practically invisible, their suffering — and the formative years they’re losing to this disease — obscured by the myths that COVID is “harmless” for kids and the pandemic is “over”.
the lack of awareness is biting in shocking ways. Too many children with long COVID are being dismissed by doctors who say there’s nothing they can do to help — or worse, that their pain and fatigue is “all in their head”. They’re being pushed out of school by teachers who don’t understand why they can’t come to class or run around with their peers. Their parents have been gaslighted and blamed, too, not just by medical professionals but their closest friends and family. And experts are concerned that all this ignorance and apathy — and the unwillingness of governments to do more to curb COVID transmission — is exposing a generation of children to the same chronic illness and disability, with potentially devastating consequences.
COVID continues to be such an infuriating, needless tragedy on so many levels