Interesting take on how polls have shown changes in how abortions have changes since dobbs

  • mem_somerville_kbin
    211 year ago


    I think in the past (and I’m old enough to remember), both abortion and miscarriage carried a self-imposed shame/shunning silencing.

    But now, people are not ashamed to talk about it. And those stories are surfacing, even in people’s own circles. When someone hears a story of a wanted pregnancy that goes wrong, and the young mother’s case of near-death sepsis as well as the damage to carrying future pregnancies–people will catch on.

    These dogs have caught the car they were chasing. I wish it didn’t include the collateral damage to young families, but here we are. I hope people get to the ballot box with these stories in their heads. We should make sure of it…

    • dumplesOP
      151 year ago

      The shame was really hiding how commonplace miscarriages were. These sometimes need to be fixed with abortion services. It’s pretty common healthcare that people have latched onto for odd political reasons

      • Billiam
        91 year ago

        Because the entire goal of the GOP is to use culture war nonsense to keep the uneducated fighting against their best interests while the rich steal everything that isn’t bolted down. Every single time the GOP controls Congress they pass laws cutting taxes on the rich and hamstringing federal enforcement of existing laws, while screaming about the boogeyman de jure because as long as their base thinks the Democrats want to mutilate their child’s genitals before sacrificing them in order to drink their blood, they won’t notice it’s GOP policies that are making things more dangerous and more expensive.

        • ryan
          21 year ago

          Thank you for saying this. I’d add on that it’s the super-rich, the billionaires of the world, who want this, and in America it’s just easier for them to buy out the GOP to do their bidding. I’d also add that it’s not just to keep people fighting against their best interests but to also keep us fighting amongst ourselves on petty issues rather than focusing on the larger picture.

      • mem_somerville_kbin
        81 year ago

        I can understand that some people don’t want to discuss private health matters. And those folks who have been trying to conceive but have trouble–talking about the yet-another-miscarriage has to be incredibly wrenching and hard.

        But those stories are crucial to hear right now, I’m afraid. I think the mainstream Republican isn’t even aware that this went on.

        • dumplesOP
          51 year ago

          Women have always knows and just starting to talk up about it or we are finally listening. I get it’s hard to talk about sad personal things. Now is the time for people to know the whole truth about this

      • parrot-party
        31 year ago

        A lot of people didn’t even consider those as abortions before. Now they have to face the reality they’ve brought in, that abortion doesn’t mean taking a newborn and tossing them into a wood chipper. It’s a ton of medical treatments, and people tried to compromise for years by allowing carve outs for all but the most elective of abortions.

    • @jballs
      71 year ago

      Having a miscarriage is one of the most traumatic experiences I could imagine. Can’t believe people would shame someone going through that.

      • mem_somerville_kbin
        51 year ago

        Yeah. I don’t know that part would be active shaming like an elective abortion would ignite some biddies. But some people feeling personal failure at not being able to carry. They shouldn’t–it’s not a personal failure, but I’ve seen some people feel some of that.

        • DMBFFF
          21 year ago


          This should be a synonym for today’s theocrats.

  • niktemadur
    101 year ago

    Here’s hoping this turns out to be their LBJ moment, who commented upon signing the Civil Rights Act, I paraphrase here: “We (meaning Democrats) just lost the entire south for at least a generation”.
    Although the HUGE difference is that LBJ did the correct and decent thing, and it was all done within the letter and spirit of the law, while all these ignorant, festering right-wing republicans fail miserably in every one of these qualities.

    • dumplesOP
      31 year ago

      Look at the young voter numbers it really seems like that. As someone in that demographic I can understand why.

  • dumplesOP
    71 year ago

    This article is interesting since I think it shows what a lot of us have gone through. Since Dobbs I have gotten more pro-choice than previously due to both thinking more about the topic and getting more informed. I think many people started seriously thinking about it instead of reacting to what they have heard from leaders. I really saw the harm of any abortions restrictions has had on people

  • Fulthi
    61 year ago

    Really shot themselves in the foot here. Look at those graphs.

    • demvoter
      81 year ago

      What’s crazy is they are still making more extreme forced birth laws. Maybe they are trying to get as many in before they lose power? Or they figure people will still vote Republican regardless so they only care about winning their primary with the most batshit crazy person on the ballot. We really need the FDA to approve the abortion pills for over the counter. Fuck these assholes.

      • dumplesOP
        51 year ago

        It’s like all of the republican platform. It’s all a purity tests and only the most extreme survive.

      • parrot-party
        21 year ago

        They’re going harder because they can’t pump the breaks. Every time they pump the breaks, the MAGAts scream and threaten. They can’t win without the MAGAts and they can’t win without the moderates. So they’re banking on winning over moderates later with some bogus bullshit they pull out of a hat later, while keeping the MAGAts happy now.

    • dumplesOP
      31 year ago

      Who knew that taking away people rights would make them upset. Weird

  • borkcorkedforks
    41 year ago

    We enough blow back we could get laws protecting it on the federal level. There are cases of politicians who passed anti-abortion laws being dumb founded when it has the expected results.

    • dumplesOP
      21 year ago

      Hopefully. As a Minnesotan we got great results at the state level with enough democrats in power for a session. Let’s hope it works at a federal level

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Then why is this not showing up in their own polling? It shows trump off by a couple points and general ballot for republican vs democrat tied.

    Whatever you hear in the news you need to vote. The GOP has actively been making it harder to vote in lots of respects. FB, Twitter, Fox news and other platforms of hate are keeping their audience ignorant at best and radicalizing them at worst. Vote the party of hate and greed out. Don’t sit back and assume anything will turn people away from the party of hate and greed.

    • dumplesOP
      11 year ago

      This is interesting since for presidentaln polling this is already built in. Somehow nothing can really change trump’s and bidens too a lesser extent approval ratings. If you hate him you will hate him and if you love him you love him.

      But everyone should vote. Polls mean nothing

  • @axiomaticsquid
    11 year ago

    Michigan codified Abortion Rights with over 55% of the vote. That should be a really clear signal.