• @[email protected]OP
    10 months ago

    Subsidizing homeowners with a taxpayer-funded cheque for $500 is regressive policy for a leftist party. Even if we’re means-testing it, there’s so many better ways that money could be spent.

    Once again, as a renter dealing with year over year increases of hundreds of dollars per month, I get nothing.

    • ryan213
      1610 months ago

      Wait until the Conservatives take over. You’ll get stuff taken away. Lol

      None of the parties are offering any solutions. Either status quo or free money that’ll last less than a week.

      • @Voroxpete
        1810 months ago

        You’re both right. This is terrible policy for a supposedly leftist party, and yet both the NDP and the Liberals are still better than the Conservatives.

        What we need, desperately, is an openly socialist NDP who can push the window to the left. Even if they don’t win, they can force the Liberals to take on more openly policies just to avoid losing votes to them (remember, UKIP didn’t have to win a single seat to get Brexit; they just had to be enough of a threat to the Tories votes).

        • @[email protected]
          710 months ago

          The NDP finally got a taste of power once they teamed up with the minority Liberal government but their biggest win is free dental care for children living in low-income households. It’s better than nothing I suppose, but I really don’t see that swaying any voters.

          • oʍʇǝuoǝnu
            610 months ago

            I think they are waiting to see what is going to happen to BC in the fall with the purposed legislation changes which will allow up to 4 units per parcel. I think they are waiting to see how this plays out before making a push for it on the federal stage during the 2025 elections.

            Replacing a good 50% of single family houses with 2 to 4 units will help immensely in building the housing necessary to start taking the supply side of the issue without going the Doug Ford route of continuing sprawl to enrich your buddies. Hopefully they are smart enough to pair the new development with policy that increase the active and public transit infrastructure to start getting people off the road who don’t want to be on it.

            Singh’s comments this week make it sound like he’s getting his campaign ready for 2025 and I have a feeling BC is going too be used as an example of NDP success. As a millennial, a BC resident, an NDP voter, and a urban planner, I’m all for it.

    • Maeve
      510 months ago

      We could do something really radical and start socializing necessities. Sure, a lot of rich would complain, and plenty of poor people, until they realized it helped them. F the billionaires’ third vacation home.

    • meseek #2982
      110 months ago

      so many better ways that money could be spent.

      Yeah but that bit of cash looks soooo good for the press. Free money right!? Just ignore the dumpster fire behind you, here’s your pittance, peasant. Now get back in line! crack

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago


    Jesus Christ, this is the grocery rebate all over again: socializing the profits of the wealthy. It’s a terrible idea from a supposedly left-wing party.

    Unless this comes with a rider “…and we’d going to personally take the funds for this by taxing the ten richest people in Canada” then this is not worth doing.

  • @[email protected]
    510 months ago

    Fuuuuuuuuuck that. I’m tired of paying for these grants. I make too much to get any back. I work my ass off in a single income family with a disabled child who I can barely spend time with anymore to watch everyone else get grants. I’m fucking tired of it.

  • Metal Zealot
    410 months ago

    Stop normalizing RENT, it’s a fucking hole people just throw money into

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      They should be focusing on making home ownership cheaper.

      The cheaper homes are;

      A) the less landlords have to pay for mortgages so they can charge less for rent

      B) More people can afford to own instead of rent, reducing demand for rentals and bringing rental costs down

  • Nik282000
    310 months ago

    I’d love a handout but it does nothing to actually help. Literally a bribe.

    If you vote for me I’ll pay you.