• this has nothing to do with anything except a critique of the characterization of physical labor jobs and cardio… i used to be a seasonal farmworker. not like tractor riding, either. like straight up vegetable picker without any fancy automation. i was young and did a lot of stretching before and after work, so in some ways i was in incredible shape after many months of this. very flexible, strong back, strong hands, seemingly preternatural stamina for just constantly doing shit all day in the heat and humidity. and a remorseless eating machine. a lot of dudes i worked with didn’t stretch and while they were tough as balls and could do major work, but had a lot of posture problems from pulls and sprains and shit. if there were any kind of equity in this world, farm workers would get unlimited massage therapy and all that body work stuff that is gatekept behind $$$ for people who like sit in an ergonomic chair and make six figures.

    my cardio was dogshit though lmao. like i could walk anyone else into the ground, but anything quicker or longer than a little jog would have me feeling like i was dying.