• Amilo159
    5210 months ago

    This is great, an honest “add-on” that comes with an update that happens to polish the original game too.

  • finthechat
    3410 months ago

    Super hot take: I’m playing Starfield right now and it just pales in comparison to Cyberpunk. Though they are clearly different types of games, the artistry, environmental detail, dialogue writing, and voice acting are all a clear step down.

    Can’t wait til the expansion comes out.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      Cyberpunk has one of the best cities I’ve ever seen in a game. If you hang out with the Aldecaldos and River’s family, driving back into the city feels like driving back into a city. It isn’t just going to a location with a lot of NPCs.

    • Fat Tony
      1310 months ago

      Yeah, really a hot take to post in a Cyberpunk community 🙃

      • finthechat
        110 months ago

        Is it? Do you not remember how the official subreddit went mega apeshit bananas for over a year?

        Also, have you ever looked at the official Steam forum for this game?

    • bitwolf
      110 months ago

      I thought about this too. Especially with how often Starfield breaks immersion Cyberpunk never does unless you switch to 3rd person.

      I do try to maintain expectations because it is on Bethesdas engine but I often wonder why they didn’t try a different engine for Starfield.

  • @Aurenkin
    1810 months ago

    Daaammn I need to get a move on with BG3 so I’m ready for this. Really looking forward to it!

    I’m still bitter about the lack of monorail but … I’ll get over it one day

  • @[email protected]
    710 months ago

    I bought this game a long time ago, but never played it because it would consistently crash right after the montage scene. With this update, seems maybe a good time to give it a try again. Is there anything the expansion adds to a first playthrough?

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      As an IT guy, what CPU were you trying to play the game with?

      I’m aware of a few early bugs with 2077 that would crash the game on specific CPUs… Just wondering if that was your problem.

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Aah. Okay, not the same issue then. The specific instruction the game needs was avx, it wasn’t required for some of the early quests, namely the intro for the Nomad, but as soon as you got to the city it would crash.

          Happened to me

    • @funkless_eck
      110 months ago

      the left column skill tree, AI, etc stuff should change the experience

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Yeah, but it seems that all comes with the free update? My question is would it affect anything to buy the expansion, or would it make more sense to play through the game first, then only buy the expansion if I want more content?

        • bitwolf
          210 months ago

          I am opting to do the latter. Out of speculation I expect the new guns to come in if you installed the expansion so I wouldn’t be able to differentiate without reading.

          Also, I may finish the main game and find the dlc was discounted later on. If I do and it’s still full price no loss as I see this as being a pretty decent dlc unlike EA games.

        • @funkless_eck
          10 months ago

          you could probably (just guessing) get some of the radiant quests, car mods, clothes, weapons, weapon mods and get the raise in level cap before the final vanilla quest

          and if you were at level cap, there may be a chance of accessing DLC areas without the quests before getting the DLC quests - but none of that is particularly experience changing

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    So is it fun to play yet? Last time I checked (a couple of months ago), the story was still too complicated, the gunplay was still boring, my choices still didn’t matter, and there was still nothing to do outside of a mission.

    At this point I’m not convinced that CDPR will ever be able to fix this dumpster fire of a game.

    • Kaldo
      2610 months ago

      I’ve heard many complaints about cp2077 but this is first time about story being ‘too complicated’, if anything it was too straightforward and short for my taste. What did you find complicated?

      As to answer the question, the game is tons of fun to me. Still janky and far from polished or finished but still fun and there’s nothing quite like it on the market that does it better.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        The story is quite too linear sure you have 3 different way to play the end, and 3 different after ends, but there is too much bottlenecks.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      It sounds like you want the game to be something that it’s not. It’s not a saints row or gta in the downtime fun category, there’s just missions to do really, and a bunch of events/side quests. I really enjoyed it overall, if was a ton of fun for me, especially using the high damage revolver to pop headshots all day.

      Pretty amped to try this expansion.

      • @[email protected]
        -610 months ago

        Look: All I want is the game that CDPR promised me, instead of the game we got. Until then, I’ll keep waiting.

        • @[email protected]
          010 months ago

          Sorry to tell you, but it’s the game they promised. People just get really caught up on the influencer speculations, and/or wanted specific things to be implemented differently than they were. So, sorry that you listened to parasocial parasites, I guess? There’s things that they said “are working on” or “planning” or “hoping”, but everything they “promised” except wall running is in the game, it just might not be in a form people imagined it to be.

        • @[email protected]
          010 months ago

          Keep waiting then.

          I think we’ve had plenty of experiance now to tell us to disregard any hype around games. Anyone paying any attention to it deserves what they get.

  • Kofu
    -5910 months ago

    Gaming these days is weird. Buy a game but still be locked out of content because of what, you are too poor to pay for the meaty bits.

      • @Aurenkin
        10 months ago

        Yeah gaming these days, paying for star craft brood wars just to get extra units.

        To not even mention recent examples like Total Annihilation: The Core Contingency or Diablo: Hellfire, Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne, Baldur’s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal, the list of offenders goes on.

      • arefx
        1410 months ago

        Blizzard was making expansions in the late 90s and they were amazing. Back when blizzard was the best of the best not the worst of the worst.

      • Kofu
        -1610 months ago

        We did and they were awesome. I guess I’m just saying there are two versions here and one of them is better than the other and I find it weird thats all. At least the expansion was all inclusive and not a form of baiting you into missing out on paid features. Things have changed obviously since 2000 but, take the level 60 upgrade. Paid and free are at an obvious disadvantage. The ranking system shouldn’t be something you pay for to be uncapped.

        • @[email protected]
          710 months ago

          So your main complaint is when they decided to put out a massive expansion pack for this game… they also decided to give away some free shit too.

          • Kofu
            -610 months ago

            I dont even own the game. Never played it.

            • @[email protected]
              310 months ago

              That’s nice dear but it doesn’t answer my question. Right now your main complaint seems to be that while they are putting out a massive paid expansion pack they also decided to give things away for free?

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      I’ve been a console gamer for a while now, last pc games I played were the red alert/ Warcraft TFT (with a splash of wings of liberty) so I don’t really get to mess around with mods

      DLC that comes out years after original release is fine for me, if I’m getting hours of additional content. That stuff doesn’t happen for free.

      Obviously if they hide all the game-breaking fixes behind a DLC paywall it’s ridiculous, but cyberpunk seems to have been pretty dedicated to fixing their game that was fairly broken at launch.

      I’ve never played it yet, but it’s been creeping up my list. Didn’t really have much interest until watching edgerunners on Netflix (which I’ve become lowkey really into, how many times can you rewatch something before it’s weird?). While I know they’re not the same, the atmosphere and universe seem awesome, and the Devs seem committed to salvaging their reputation

      I’m generally a patient gamer, but I caved for RE4make and am super hyped for Armored core 6. Don’t have a PS5 yet so I’ll have to wait for Deadspace, but once I beat RE4make at least a second time I’ll probably try Cyberpunk

      At this point I’m not sure if it’s PS5 time, or worth waiting until Christmas 2024 for a ps5 pro for Deadspace and a smoother gaming experience on the dual system games I have

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        It’s a really fin time imo, I don’t think you’ll regret it. There’s a side quest about edgerunners in the game too, which basically advertises it, but it’s kinda cool to habe it linked in.

    • @[email protected]
      1010 months ago

      Christ this is the dumbest shit I’ve heard today. It’s early but you might win dumbest comment of the day.

      Not any of this is weird or anything new whatsoever. It’s a paid fucking expansion.

      • HidingCat
        010 months ago

        I’m more concerned how that steaming pile of a hot-take has 10 up votes when I read it. Can’t believe so many agree with that shit too.

      • Kofu
        -1610 months ago

        So glad to of made it so high on your list. May my comment live on on your might list. Please alert me to my position in the future so I can alure you with more dumb shit.

        • @[email protected]
          10 months ago

          Oh absolutely, for sure. I have ya tagged so I can make sure to call out any other of your dumb bullshit I may happen to stumble across.

          Enjoy being ratio’rd.

                • LordXenu
                  1210 months ago

                  So I looked up Ratioed since I can’t keep up with the GenZ slang. It means along the lines of a reply getting more likes/comments/responses than the original post which translate to “your post is bad and you should feel bad”.

                  So it seems like this person’s plan is to now have your username tagged so every time they see it they can call you stupid or some other shit and others will then flock to also call you stupid. Congrats, you were just ratioed. To me it just sounds like harassment in this case.

                  Seems like a bunch of petty bullshit for an online discussion board.