Homeowners, which of these consumes more energy in your house: space heating or water heating? Either way, Uncle Sam is ready to help you pay for some energy-efficient upgrades.

The Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law by President Biden a year ago, created two energy-efficiency rebate programs that could pay some, or even all, of the costs of buying Energy Star-rated appliances, adding insulation or otherwise making your home more efficient.

The rub: States will administer the programs, and each one must apply for its share of the $8.8 billion in federal funds earmarked for the rebates. And some states may opt out.

One state has already indicated it probably won’t participate. Lawmakers in Tallahassee voted to apply for Florida’s allocation — which, at roughly $346 million, is the third-largest in the country, behind California and Texas. But Gov. Ron DeSantis vetoed the measure as “woke.” The DoE has not been officially notified, so DeSantis could still change his mind.

  • jballs
    2 years ago

    We have the dumbest population imaginable, all because of woke.

    • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
      2 years ago

      I mean “woke” conveys being aware of something. Therefore anti-woke is being against awareness. Being ignorant.

      So yeah anti-woke is about being ignorant and proud of it.

    • yata
      2 years ago

      No, other way around, because “woke” is just the current term, the right wing propaganda masters likes to switch terms out once in a while to make it appear fresh.

      The population have been dumb long before that, and back then the words for the same nondefinite “everything I don’t like”-term were social justice warrior, political correctness, bleeding heart, commie etc.