• @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      15 steps. You’re not counting the top, and the bottom is step 0 and we all know counting starts there.

      • @UnRelatedBurner
        510 months ago

        sometimes i start my iterator with = -1. As I only +=1 it with a condition and I know that it will return true on the first cycle. I’ll chuck array[iterator] and need it to be 0 to start with ofc.

        I just have no idea how to not do this, but it looks so bad, i need a i8 instead of a u8 at least because of this

        • @[email protected]
          510 months ago

          What? My intuition is there’s always gotta be some equivalent nicer refactor that could do away with such an awkward construct.

          In what kind of situation would that be totally unavoidable?

          • @UnRelatedBurner
            19 months ago

            I could tell you my recent cenario, but it wouldn’t get us anywhere. because I know that it’s avoidable, but it’d take for me to run a different logic for only first element of my array. which is doable, but it’d make the code like 5 extra lines longer, harder to read/follow. But I just simply choose to put -1 and boom it’s fixed, just works.

            another solution would be (without context) is to add one more variable and one more check to my foreach, but that takes more memory and cpu, I usually choose the i = -1, it’s ugly but not as ugly as other solutions would be

        • darcy
          9 months ago

          thats great unless you want i to be an unsigned integer

          edit: oops u already mentioned that

    • @pec
      69 months ago

      That’s accurate. There’s always a few steps not included in the tutorial

  • sj_zero
    369 months ago

    Unrelated, I love those stairs. They seem like a disaster waiting to happen but I love them.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago


      As an architect this is honestly insane. First rule is to do no harm, but someone obviously is a psychopath, and thats the designer.

      There is no way that thin metal can even structurally support a person.

      • @[email protected]
        129 months ago

        Of course the metal can support a person. It’s not like one side is floating in thin air. The way this is constructed, both sides of each step are supported and the metal seems thick enough to support quite a bit of weight.

        The only thing that bothers me is that forward/backward motion of the steps would put a lot of strain on the connection to the wall or floor. With normal use, that motion is quite limited though.

        I’m quite confident the designer of those stairs used the right thickness for the material used, which you can’t judge from a picture.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            I guess that would also be a legitimate concern, as the steps are rather short. It would look a bit less sleek with longer steps, but making the steps longer while keeping the supports narrow would still look good in my opinion.

    • LegionEris [she/her]
      69 months ago

      Yeah, I am, without sarcasm, super agile and coordinated. I would love to have these steps. It would be fun for me every time. And I’d feel so safe at the top of my tricky stairs. Unfortunately my wife would never. She’d just be trapped downstairs.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        I run 6 miles every other day. A local rails-to-trails path near me is exactly 2.5 miles long, so I have to find some way of getting in an extra mile on my runs. The trail ends at a real railroad track, so for a while I tried running a half mile on the track and back, between the rails landing on every other tie as I ran since the distance perfectly matched my stride. This went on for a couple of years until one day I was doing it and actually started thinking “wow, this is pretty amazing that I can do this and not fall”. Not five seconds later I tripped and fell, landing both elbows and both knees on tie.

        Somehow I was only bruised and didn’t break anything, and after ten minutes of groaning I was able to drag myself up and even complete my run. That was my last time running on railroad ties though.

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          You should try the Oahu Diamond Head hike then. Its like a half mile of hiking up a funicular track.

        • LegionEris [she/her]
          19 months ago

          Yeah, never take it for granted. You gotta do it on purpose with your feet every time. Learning to purposely activate intuitive motion is the goal. In a way, they’re extraordinarily zen stairs. You have to be right there on the stairs every time.

      • sj_zero
        39 months ago

        “My wife” aka the lady you brought down before the drugs wore off who can never leave your basement.


        • LegionEris [she/her]
          39 months ago

          Except I’m not a man, and I don’t have a cave. I’m a woman, and I have a cage. But it has to be accessible to my wife so she can let me out eventually o_o So again, no agility stairs allowed.

  • enkers
    3610 months ago

    OK, but who can I sue if I suffer grave bodily injury while installing kubernetes?

  • NegativeLookBehind
    249 months ago

    Ok so just learn Kubernetes. And then realize that for it to be useful in a production environment, it needs like 10 other third party things, which you’ll also have to learn, and you’re done!

    • @[email protected]
      149 months ago

      Rule of thumb for kubernetes, if you are learning it “for fun” or on your own, you are not gonna need it :)

      • alphacyberrangerOP
        49 months ago

        Thanks for saying that…I thought I was the only one who thought like that.

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          I’ve found it best explained in some stackoverflow answer mentioning the pet vs cattle analogy. In short, if you know how many servers you have from the tip of your tongue, and what they do more or less, then they are akin to pets: you treat them well and keep an eye on each of them.
          Kubernetes is meant for when you have so many of them, that come and go without you even noticing or caring, bearing a number for the sake of production/cost control, this is cattle. Needless to say that this is not your typical app/company running at such a scale, and that there is a 24/7 team of “ranchers” keeping an eye on the herd.

          • @[email protected]
            19 months ago

            Thanks. So TL;DR it allows you to set up a little cloud computing service on your own physical machines, minus load balancing which you have to add on?

            • @ramius345
              19 months ago

              It can be used to scale cloud computing services as much as you want. It’s a scalable container runtime at its core. It provides a means for scaling an overlay network with service discovery and uniform ingress configuration.

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      10 is a bit exaggerating. What do you really need?

      ExternalDNS is nice so you don’t have to config your DNS manually. You might need to install your own Ingress controller. If you want to automatically add and renew certificates cert-manager is great. Security is important! Speaking of, you should add some kind of secret management (something like sealed-secrets, vault or Secrets Store CSI Driver).

      A really important thing is monitoring so you know your pods and the cluster itself is healthy. Prometheus is still king in that regard in my opinion. PromQL isn’t that hard. Of course some kind of alerting like AlertManager is a must for prod environments. Be aware that the front ends of those tools are not behind a login so something like oauth2-proxy and dex is vital! You might want to have some visualisation too so Grafana is a nice addition. If you add Loki too you got your OPs covered.

      Keeping track of all of your stuff is the hard part so some GitOps is highly recommended. ArgoCD or FluxCD are popular for a reason!

      I think that should cover the basic setup so you may scale your CRUD app without worries!

  • @[email protected]
    219 months ago

    Kubernetes is so easy! Unless you’re insane enough to have any state at all in your app. But who does that?

  • @[email protected]
    169 months ago

    FWIW, I suspect these stairs have been photographed before adding wood steps that are deeper/wider. I base that on the low visible height of the bottom step. A 1.5-2 inch wooden slab would normalize the height of each step.

  • @[email protected]
    139 months ago

    I’m usually one to think folks exaggerate the dangerousness of strange staircases in posts like these, but yeah these are definitely gonna cause a few accidents.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    K8s basics isn’t that hard, but it builds on quite a bit of knowledge. And running anything of complexity to multiple nodes is going to take at least some intermediate tuning to get your app stable.

    This is fantastic though.