ISTANBUL, TURKEY - Sony Interactive Entertainment has left Turkish PlayStation Plus subscribers stunned and infuriated as they announced a staggering price increase of over 600% for the monthly subscription service. Effective immediately, the monthly cost has surged from 400 Turkish Lira (TRY) to a jaw-dropping 2,340 TRY, sending shockwaves
The price rose in one of the fastest-inflating currencies in the world right now? Shocking!
They get what they deserve for somehow electing him again…
47.5% of the country didn’t vote for him. These comments are incredibly ignorant
That’s still way too many people for someone who crashes their country’s economy.
Anyway what’s the alternative not raise the prices? How’s that reasonable, the situation would just continue and they would continue to fall further and further behind on prices, behind the rest of the world, until eventually they decided isn’t worth offering the service in Turkey anymore.
Dolar/Lira inflation was less than 85% since ps plus (edit: *essential etc) was announced. Hiking the price by 485% is just greed.
For clarification: ps+ increased from 100% to 585% while dollar increased from 100% to 185%
48.1% of people voting voted to remain in the EU during brexit yet people like to act like it was something the entire country backed.