• @[email protected]
    289 months ago

    Yeah, trust the words of a cop on this issue. They’ll have less petty shit to do and have to go after actual crime.

  • @CaptDustOP
    9 months ago

    FOP President Wolske: “Crime is going to go up, so what does that mean? That means you’ll need more officers to respond to those calls and we don’t have those,” Wolske said, “the numbers (of officers) are down dramatically”.

    Wolske also said the FOP fears that the legalization of marijuana could lead to more minors getting access to the drug.

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    I have no clue what is up with Ohio police and weed anymore. They dont give two shits about weed in my little town here, but the Sheriff and Police Commissioner threw a massive tizzie about “people are going to get confused about the law” when our county finally got a medical dispensary a couple months ago.

  • @[email protected]
    89 months ago

    How about they look at data from all of the other states that made it legal? Has crime gone up?

    • krolden
      9 months ago

      Cops dont want crime to go down. They need it to justify their existence.

  • krolden
    59 months ago

    That fop cop is a piece of shit but the guy doing the interview was also terrible. Its like he only asked preapproved questions and didn’t respond to any if the fop cops shitbrained takes like marijuana being a gAtEwAY drug. Statistics show many more people have started doing heroin after they got addicted to prescription opioids. Also he doesn’t ask the guy since he’s so against impared driving and safety if he wants to make alcohol illegal like weed used to be.

  • krolden
    9 months ago

    Also FYI this weed legalization shit is a fucking joke. You can only have up to 2.5oz of weed and grow up to 12 plants.

    Authorize adult use consumers, subject to enumerated limitations, to: (1) cultivate, grow, and possess not more than six cannabis plants at the individual’s primary residence, with a total limitation of not more than twelve cannabis plants per residence where two or more adult use consumers reside at one time

    12 plants would produce a lot more than 2.5oz. Also why any kind of limit on how much you can have? The group behind this law (cash grab for new corporate dispensaries/growers) is https://justlikealcohol.com so are they trying to also push limits to reduce the amount of alcohol you can posses? Doubtful.

    I will be voting no. There should be no regulation on cannabis other than for distributes and commercial growers.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      There already is regulation on cannabis, but a 2.5 oz limit is far better than a 0 oz one. How many years are you willing to wait for a perfect bill and how many people’s lives will be ruined by the current draconian laws in the meantime?

      • krolden
        9 months ago

        sorry i kinda replied to the previous comment and yours in the same post. please see my comment to @[email protected] above (below?)

    • @[email protected]
      39 months ago

      Cool, guess driving to Michigan is the better option then

      The proposed legalization is better than the current law which is [shuffles paperwork, checks notes] having an out-of-touch 185-year-old take a Metamucil and Ensure cocktail dump on your head (see also: female reproductive rights)

      • krolden
        9 months ago

        or just pay the 50 bucks to get a medical card, they give them to pretty much anyone. id rather keep doing that and wait for federal de-scheduling (lol) than place some stupid limit on the amount of weed you can have. get pulled over with three ounces of weed? jail/citation plus they confiscate it. get pulled over with three cases of beer? have a nice day sir (hopefully).

        if they were serious about regulating it like alcohol (like the name of the group suggests) then there would be no limits on the amount you can posses. this group is most likely only acting in the interests of the existing corporate weed monopoly that exists in this state as well as many others. this will just give them permission to set up even more grows and not actually benefit the smoker, and definitely not help any new small growers to start up.

        I hate that i have to keep saying this but voting for the lesser of two evils will get you the most evil imaginable.

    • krolden
      19 months ago

      I can’t imagine why anyone would down vote this comment and I’m not one to complain about downvotes. Why not reply? This bill will mainly benefit the large corporate growers/dispensaries.