When China is the number one producer of greenhouse emissions in the world.

  • @Estiar
    1210 months ago

    In all fairness, consumerism is a major factor in contributing to climate change. Much of the CO2 generated in China is from manufacturing, and those products being shipped to other countries.

    It’ll really all parties involved, western and otherwise who are at fault. I’m incredibly annoyed with my government as they continue to subsidize oil and gas instead of either cutting fossil fuel subsidies or even subsidizing green energy.

    If one believes in free market capitalism, they ought to want to cut subsidies to gas and coal altogether, as it’s less profitable than green energy at this point. There’s already plenty of wealth built up in that industry, so why do we feel the need to put more money towards it?

    • falkerie71
      10 months ago

      This. You don’t just blame China for greenhouse gas emissions, and conveniently forget that most of the products you use every day are manufactured there.

  • @Gooey0210
    510 months ago

    China is #1 right now

    But the states have contributed the most anyway

  • @CookieJarObserver
    510 months ago

    As if its impossible to just believe everyone is responsible…

    210 months ago

    Decaying plant matter is the number 1 creator of greenhouse gasses.

    • @Estiar
      510 months ago

      Problem is, it’s like if you take two sets of 10 grams and put them on opposite sides of a scale. Every day, you take those twenty grams on in the morning and off in the evening. After a while, one more gram goes on one of the sides. Then two grams. Then three. The scale will be out of balance, even though you’re taking 10 grams off the scale every day.

      Earth used to be in equilibrium, but excess emissions put it out of whack

  • @[email protected]
    -110 months ago

    They’ll absolve China of anything. The greenhouse gas they emit? Oh that’s the west paying them to do it. Norway’s emissions from energy that they export to the rest of the world? That’s not the customer’s fault. Shit, if that narrative were without a doubt destroyed I wouldn’t be surprised to see them denying climate change. Communists are unprincipled ideologues for whom any means is justified in delivering the end goal: the enslavement of all humanity.