1. Get bored.
  2. Open Reddit.
  3. Remember I’m not using reddit today.
  4. Open Lemmy.
  5. Go do something else.
  6. Go to number 1.
    • @burndown
      811 year ago

      Communities will need time to grow again, but I’m hopeful and cautiously optimistic

    • BobKillsNinjas
      601 year ago

      Any time you feel the urge to open reddit, make a post on Lemmy…

      It might take a minute, but this will be the new exciting place if we keep at it.

      • @[email protected]
        241 year ago

        I have had Reddit is Fun in the home buttons on my phone for the last 10 years. I pulled my phone out of my pocket an muscle memoried Reddit open like 20 times today.

        I just switched Jerboa into that spot. It is crazy how much that changed things.

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          That’s exactly what I did. RiF is still installed on my phone, but right now Jerboa has taken it’s place. I hope /u/talklittle does something with the backend that allows it to work with Lemmy, Kbin, or others.

          • ZeroCarbon
            121 year ago

            Crazy how Jerboa, an alpha app, is much better than the official app of a multimillionaire company. Also, I already don’t miss using RiF. This is my new home.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              Jerboa has it’s issues. I would take a Lemmy is Fun in a second. Good for an alpha level app that wasn’t prepared for this influx of users. Jerboa definitely got better with today’s update.

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                I would love to see a Lemmy app using the RIF design! The RIF developer is focused on an app for Tildes right now, but even something just copying the interface would be nice to see.

        • @[email protected]
          91 year ago

          I did the same. I removed the reddit icon and found myself tapping it’s empty location several times. I replaced it with Jerboa for Lemmy and it fills the void a bit.

    • Ataraxia
      501 year ago

      I on the other hand feel free lol. I have no urge to check reddit and I’m still exploring lemmy. Also it’s just better to go do other things instead of wasting my phone battery just for the sake of wasting time.

      • @[email protected]
        341 year ago

        Yeah, I’ll admit there is the excitement of having a new toy and figuring out how it all works. That takes away some of the boredom or time I’d be scrolling reddit.

  • Slay Puree
    681 year ago

    I opened it twice today and was met with the ‘Reddit is killing Third-Party Applications’ and remembered I need to keep sticking it to the man.

    • @[email protected]
      331 year ago

      Very much this. I’ve got an almost automatic habit of opening reddit when I’m bored and don’t have much to do. After a couple of times of seeing that message, I’ve been searching for the lemmy counterparts for my favourite subs. Turns out a lot of them are getting some steam!

      • lettruthout
        141 year ago

        Yeah, I’m surprised at how many I’m finding, and how many are already seeing activity.

        • @[email protected]
          111 year ago

          Same. I just joined like >12h ago, and already there is some activity in channels, that I couldn’t find any discussion on a few hours ago.

          • lettruthout
            141 year ago

            I’m starting to use the word “sublems” instead of “channels” or “communities”. Maybe it will catch on.

            • skeletorfw
              31 year ago

              Sublems is an absolutely fantastic word that I am now adopting! E.g. “Hopefully soon Jerboa handles sublem links better in comments. That’s something I loved about Relay”

        • Slay Puree
          31 year ago

          And if you don’t see activity…Maybe think about creating one!

  • @[email protected]
    601 year ago

    ive been spending anywhere from 1-4 hours a day on reddit for the past…13 years? probably the most ingrained habit i have. Broke that habit as of two days ago. Weirdly enough, its not even that difficult. Its like i just understood that its time to move on, like a breaking point in a toxic relationship.

    Only downside so far is having nothing to do during public transit. Not enough hobby specific discussion here yet, everyone keeps babbling about leaving reddit, like i am right now… xd

    • Joe B
      111 year ago

      Find a community that you like here and create post and talk. Only way around reddit for now. Give it a week and it will die down

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        The blackout is over after tonight, so I guess we’ll see how things go then. I left because rif is shutting down on the 30th, so I figured I might as well cut the cord now. I deleted the app when the first sub I subbed to went dark, and I haven’t looked back. Today is my third full day without it. I haven’t been on Lemmy as much, which is definitely a good thing, lol, but I’m really enjoying it so far. The community seems much more conversational and less offensive. I don’t get offended easily, but when people do it just for the sake of being offensive, I don’t like it, and reddit was full of those people.

    • Automated_Footprint
      91 year ago

      Most of the redditors only use reddit. To get news, memes, communicate, QnA, everything. That’s the reason this protest isn’t that effective. People are still gonna browse now and then and give them the sweet ad money, because people literally have nothing else to do.

    • @yoshipunk123456
      11 year ago

      Wouldnt be surprised if everyone was babbling about leaving digg back on august 30 2010

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I open Reddit way too often. Today I replaced my Reddit shortcut with Lemmy. Jerboa needs some refining but it’ll do for now. Let’s give it a go!

    • @[email protected]
      191 year ago

      Jerboa has made the transition much smoother than I expected. Dark mode, card views and basic collapsing and font adjustment is such a relief.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      The mobile browser version is already pretty satisfying though and feels almost like home as a long time RIF user.

    • @sugar_in_your_tea
      71 year ago

      I just noticed that I was 2 versions out of date (installed via F-Droid last week) and was annoyed at some usability bugs. The latest version seems nicer so far.

      I’m interested in getting involved in development of Jerboa, so hopefully I find a few more annoying things that haven’t been fixed yet. Feel free to complain to me to hopefully motivate me to actually fire up Android Studio and get working on it.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Well here you go :-) I can’t scroll “Look and feel” settings in Jerboa. It just hovers the labels instead of scrolling down.

        • @sugar_in_your_tea
          31 year ago

          Hmm, I had a similar problem earlier with the “<user> settings” for default listing type (wanted to default to only stuff I’ve subscribed to), and then I reinstalled from Google Play (v0.0.33) and it worked. I’ll see if I can reproduce it on the latest code.

          The main thing that bothers me right now is that sometimes it forgets I’m signed in when switching apps. I’m going to try reproducing that probably tonight to see if I can at least provide a workaround (e.g. pull to refresh should reconnect or something).

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            I too got the login issue, I found killing the app works for it to remember my account. I’m on version 0.0.33 too from F-Droid. As for the scrolling issue there is a comment on a GitHub issue mentioning it.

            • @sugar_in_your_tea
              21 year ago

              Cool. It looks like there’s a jerboa community here: [email protected]. I joined that one and intend to be a bit more active there as I try to learn how to develop Jerboa.

    • oh_so_hazey
      61 year ago

      I’ve commented once already that I hope the influx of new users helps the development of Jerboa and/or encourages other developers to build on Lemmy.

      It would be nice seeing Lemmy is Fun/Boost for Lemmy/Sync for Lemmy clones popping up.

      • Meseta
        91 year ago

        Jerboa has seen huge improvements in the last two weeks alone. I think there’s been a lot of traction on that front, and the dev seems particularly receive to feedback.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        I personally use RedReader, the dev said he’s thinking of adding support for other sites like Lemmy or Tildes, so I’ll probably use that if it happens. The more choice the better though.

  • @[email protected]OP
    481 year ago

    Went to go get some errands done, and come back to find I have more Lemmy upvotes than I had karma in the last 10 years lol.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Jerboa (mobile app for Lemmy) is really great so far! Feels basically the same to me as Boost was. The sign in process is a little odd (top left hamburger menu, accounts, add account).

    I’m staying here, I’m done with Reddit.

    • @[email protected]
      141 year ago

      I’m sorta looking forward to how lemmy/beehive/fediverse system improves. It’s kinda exciting. Like sure things are a bit rough around the edges for now but so was reddit for a long time. Seems like there’s a lot of people working to improve and make it better, and the communities are actually pretty big! I’m excited to get off reddit, that shit was getting stale and I’m hoping that this “reset” will also help build new communities that aren’t just reposting the same shit over and over again.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        Yeah I’ve been enjoying that aspect too, finding posts from communities I’ve never heard of before.

        I never paid for Reddit, but I’ve already donated to Lemmy.world (mastodon.world) and the Jerboa app. I’ve done the same for signal. Just a couple of coffees worth, but I see myself doing it from time to time as I remember.

        I’m just so pumped about the way things are growing here, and think this federated donation-based model for a Reddit-like app is fantastic.

  • TrashMeNot
    451 year ago

    I purposefully moved RIF off of my home screen. My stupid muscle memory kept tapping it every time my idle brain opened the phone. Trying out Jerboa as an app for lemmy at the moment.

    • @SleepyHarry
      71 year ago

      I’m on a Pixel so not sure if what I’m about to say is possible for everyone, but I used “Digital Wellbeing” to set a usage limit of 0 minutes for RiF, then put Jerboa in the same spot. Working for me at least to not have to completely change muscle memory.

    • @Jumuta
      31 year ago

      same, replaced where Infinity was with jerboa

  • @[email protected]
    441 year ago

    Yeah I wish people would stop posting on Lemmy about Reddit and start posting something interesting instead

    • @[email protected]
      271 year ago

      That will probably take a while. The only reason we’re here is because of reddit and spez being a greedy pigboy, so naturally that’s gonna be a topic of discussion for a while.

      Once this place has a chance to build up a bit of an identity, I suspect that’ll go away.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        I think that major subreedits also have a place on lemmy helps getting everything closer to the old normal

    • Joe B
      111 year ago

      It’s gonna be like this until the blackout is over. eventually we will move on from reddit

    • @[email protected]
      81 year ago

      As the other community said, right now, we’re just here because of spez being an asshole. Let this situation end and it’ll normalize

    • manitcor
      11 year ago

      all AI on this instance, we keep the reddit stuff in meta.

  • @[email protected]
    371 year ago

    I knew I’d do the same thing, so I removed the shortcut to Reddit on my phone and replaced it with Jerboa.

  • @[email protected]
    361 year ago

    It’s usually difficult for me to break habits, but right now I’m motivated by rage and contempt, which is making it a lot easier. And the fediverse is like a methadone drip to come down from the heroin-like addictiveness of endless information.

    Tip: instead of opening reddit, just search “reddit” and read all the tech news articles shitting on Steve Huffman in diplomatic ways. It’s very satisfying.

  • @[email protected]
    361 year ago

    I thought I was addicted to Reddit, but compared to some of you I was totally fine all along! Hurrah!

    • GONADS125
      111 year ago

      For me, reddit was mostly something I browsed in a moment of boredom, micro breaks from work to clear my mind, or on the toilet.

      Unlocking my phone and clicking on the app was one of those muscle-memory actions I wouldn’t even think about. Especially when stoned…

      I’ve unlocked my phone and clicked on the empty space in my home screen before I consciously processed what I had just done.

      I’ve now replaced it with jerboa for lemmy haha.

  • @[email protected]
    331 year ago

    I replaced the reddit app shortcut on my phone with the Jerboa for Lemmy so that when, through sheer muscle memory, I try to open Reddit I open Lemmy instead.

    Honestly, I hope I spend less time on Lemmy because I was on Reddit too damn much. Maybe this is exactly what I needed to break an unhealthy habit.