We set up a bridge between the Lemmy.world General Matrix room and the Public-1 channel on the Lemmy World discord server yesterday. It’s not perfect as emoji reactions aren’t visible and some minor things like how it handles edited messages but other than that it seems to be working well.

Now people on both chat clients can interact with eachother!

  • GreenM
    6610 months ago

    It seem idea of fedderating has spread even beyong feerated network. It’s good thing. Sort of antimonopolisti.

    • @[email protected]
      8910 months ago

      Two different, incompatible chat services exist - Discord and Matrix. This allows users of either service to post to a channel that has been connected on each side and messages are basically cross posted between the two, allowing users on each service to almost chat like they are all on the same channel despite being on two different chat services.

    • Cosmic Cleric
      1110 months ago

      Thinking of it as two different rooms in a party being connected so they can all be involved in the same conversation.

  • @[email protected]
    3410 months ago

    What are recommended apps for Matrix on Android?

    I’m considering using it, but I don’t know much about Matrix clients.

      • /home/pineapplelover
        1210 months ago

        I recommend fluffychat to most people because it’s simple and straightforward. I use Element because it’s fully featured and a bit more complex. So choose your poison

        • Draconic NEO
          810 months ago

          I would also recommend fluffy chat to people because in addition to that it’s also one of the only ones to support multiple accounts, an important feature for element because simply switching back and forth between accounts isn’t feasible on a service with end-to-end encryption where you have to maintain a single login else lose your keys and prior encrypted messaging history.

      • Brownian Motion
        210 months ago

        I use the chat that is available in Thunderbird, my email client. It can connect to various types of chat (I dont remember them all) like Matrix.

    • @[email protected]
      710 months ago

      I’ve personally been using Element and love it. I have a private matrix server for my family to use. Some of the members of the family have also loved FluffyChat.

    • The Giant Korean
      710 months ago

      Element is decent. Started playing around with Fluffy which also seems good.

    • @Jumuta
      710 months ago

      i like cinny because it’s the most discord like

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Since it’s been mentioned here but nobody’s said anything else about it yet, Beeper is nice because it connects a bunch of different apps and everything syncs instantly between PC and mobile. I personally use it for Matrix, a couple of Discord servers, Messenger (for those friends who won’t leave) and SMS.

        • @[email protected]
          310 months ago

          Only text channels I believe. There’s a sidebar sort of like the one in the actual Discord app that shows your inbox, SMS, Messenger, etc. Discord servers show up in there, then when you select one it shows you the list of channels as though they’re regular conversations. You can set whether or not they show up in your inbox and/or notify you individually for each channel, and the ones you don’t want you just set to low priority and they’ll be hidden. It’s not a perfect replacement, but if you don’t need voice/streaming it works fine.

  • @[email protected]
    810 months ago

    Could the bridge be used by bots that work with Discord but not with Matrix? 🤔Bc there’s quite a few of those, and me as a Matrix user can’t have anything

  • clara
    610 months ago

    this might be a good place for me to reach out into the void

    i’m interested in migrating two of my servers over to a matrix server, but i also want to back-copy all the old messages to the matrix client.

    does a matrix bridge do all this copying? i.e, if i was to setup a discord-matrix bridge, allow messages to sync, and then disconnect the bridge, does the matrix server then have a copy of all the old messages? it doesn’t have to match to the old users or anything, i’m just interested in having the content migrate over.

    this is currently the biggest hurdle for me, because one of my servers is a private family discord, and i really don’t want to have to explain to my mum that “all the content of the last 4 years is gone” 😅

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Short answer: yes. Longer answer: I have a matrix server with a whatsapp bridge. If I remove the connection between WhatsApp and matrix, I can still see a the contacts and messages (of WhatsApp) in matrix.

      If you have questions reach out, no problem.

      • Antik 👾
        10 months ago

        But it will only bridge messages that are sent AFTER you created the bridge. It looks like he’s asking to copy the complete history of those discord channels over to matrix.

      • clara
        510 months ago

        i do have a question, sure

        for the avoidance of doubt, you are saying that a matrix bridge can copy all previous messages over from a discord server, to a matrix server, even the messages made before the creation of the bridge? i.e, transfer the entire conversation log over to the matrix server, going back all the way to the first message in a channel?

        actually, phrasing this another way, i just caught myself in the XY problem. what i need really, is a copy of a given discord server’s content, onto a fresh matrix server. bridge or no bridge. is there any way to (broadly) copy and paste the content of a discord channel over to a matrix server, one time only. i know how to extract the discord content using the discord chat log tool, tokens etc. so, say i have one of those html files with the full chatlog and contents - how do i put that into a matrix server, and have it roughly readable? (if that’s possible)

        thank you for your patience, i have tried search engines for months with no clear answers

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Probably not. But why do you even need to do that? Chat platforms are ephemeral by nature. If there’s anything important that needs to be kept, you should consider a different platform.

    • Antik 👾
      310 months ago

      I don’t think that’s possible. At least the bridge software we used you can only link one matrix room to one discord channel. And the chat history from discord is not transferred either.

      We’re currently using https://t2bot.io/

      • clara
        210 months ago

        ahh that’s unfortunate. thanks anyway!

  • @[email protected]
    -2110 months ago

    Discord should be abandoned as it’s not in the fediverse and especially because it’s not open source. This platform should never be used a an official place for one’s own platform.

    • Antik 👾
      10 months ago

      We are not a bastion of Open Source software. We use it yes, support it yes. There are plenty of things we use FOSS for but we have zero obligations to lock us down to only use FOSS. We use what is convenient and try to listen to the needs of our users.

      There is lemmy.world, there is mastodon.world, there is a matrix space and synapse server. Then there is calckey.world a firefish server and I probably forget a few other things that are hosted by @[email protected].

      And then yes, there is a discord server.

      I think @[email protected] and our infra team do PLENTY for the foss community by hosting all of these services, making them available and filing bug reports. They are even in touch with a lot of developers on different foss projects.

      • Shazbot
        1210 months ago

        Don’t forget your manpower is limited. No one is a lemmy.world employee and people need sleep. That leaves 8 hours in a day for literally everything else a person needs/wants to do. Having one service that just works is a load off an all volunteer team’s back.

        • Antik 👾
          410 months ago

          We have people working for Lemmy World around the clock. Most of those services do not require a lot of maintenance once they are set up and configured. Lemmy itself is the biggest PITA but that’s why we have a big team. So besides that we try to listen to the community and what they want and if it’s possible we will do our best to make it happen. And as I said in my other reply, we will choose what is convenient over what is FOSS.

    • FLeX
      2110 months ago

      Bullshit. You should use the platform where most of your users are. And the users are on discord and do not give a single shit about open source.

      • This is the truth. Do people not have friends that mainly use mainstream services or are people just elitist about open source? This just sucks, because this kind of toxicity really drives normal users away from open source when more people should be driven to it.

        • Jelloeater
          910 months ago

          For us it’s about a community where we take care of our users and provide a environment to foster interesting and respectful conversation. Software is just a means to a end.

        • FLeX
          510 months ago

          Use it for what ?

          Not the same thing, I would use both anyway.

          Especially for a company or a public project, you want your content indexed and keep the control. If you don’t open a subreddit or sublemmy someone would do it.

          For a chat, not the same thing. You want a discord to speak to your users, and a selfhosted matrix to manage your employees and private stuff

          • @[email protected]
            10 months ago

            The reason people use Lemmy is because Reddit has a monopoly and does stupid things. How confident can we be that Discord won’t do this? I’m sure they will because they are a for-profit company. So why don’t we start from a platform that power belongs to the user? It is also tragicomic that a platform like Lemmy.world does this.

            For your argument; I don’t agree. I think Matrix has sufficient features for this job.

            • FLeX
              210 months ago

              It has the features (not sure about that), but it has not the users…

              I agree with you but it’s just not how it works. Or else nobody would be using mac os or google products.

              Also currently, almost nobody want/can/care about selfhosting.

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                There are definitely pros/cons. I’m not a FOSS monster. I would just expect a platform whose reason for existence is big corps to be more devoted in this regard.

                • Antik 👾
                  210 months ago

                  How are we not devoted? We are devoted to our users, not to the FOSS only mantra. I see you run your own instance, I suggest you run that one the way you want it and we’ll do our thing here.

                • Antik 👾
                  -110 months ago

                  The reason people use Lemmy is because Reddit has a monopoly and does stupid things

            • HEISENBERG
              010 months ago

              For your argument; I don’t agree. I think Matrix has sufficient features for this job.

              He said confidently, without any real experience to back this up

                • FLeX
                  210 months ago

                  As a user or as an admin ?

                  Why should a random admin be more trusted than discord ? (malicious, security, data leaks etc)

    • @[email protected]
      2010 months ago

      When you’re constantly getting attacked and having issues, sometimes you need to do stuff you don’t want to do, just to be able to get stuff done.

      In a perfect world I think devs wouldn’t want to use Discord, but it’s one of the only options that won’t be constantly taking down with attacks.

      • Xilly
        810 months ago

        Plus Matrix is something that is still new to people and some users are more comfortable with Discord. Many users are still adjusting to the concept of Lemmy and how federation works. Fortunately this bridge will help the two groups connect to each other and maybe in the future we can move to only using Matrix.

        • @[email protected]
          1110 months ago

          If lemmy is being attacked, mods need a platform to coordinate.

          Discord has DDOS protection through their hoster, which was the primary means of attacks on lemmy.

            • @[email protected]
              10 months ago

              I can’t answer that, but my rebuttal would be these are targeted attacks, I don’t doubt they would attack matrix if lemmy was using it to coordinate.

              • @[email protected]
                -810 months ago

                Matrix is federated, supports private channels, encryption, and cryptographic user signatures. It’s basically un-attackable (unless you open a channel to everyone).

                • Antik 👾
                  10 months ago

                  The average user will not give a damn about any of the things you mentioned.

                  And tell me how to set up a matrix server that is invite only with one link instead of having to invite them all one by one?

                  Yes for most of the stuff matrix is good and I like it. But pretending it’s s complete replacement for discord is simply not true.

                  Even besides that, which one is more popular do you think? Which one has the most reach and people are most familiar with? Most people don’t care if it’s foss or not, they’ll use what everyone is using.

                • @[email protected]
                  410 months ago

                  If you think any of that matters (they’ve been attacked before… so I really don’t know why you think it’s not possible) you are hella naive.

                  And most of those apply to lemmy, and other federated communities, and guess what, all been attacked!

        • GONADS125
          910 months ago

          How are they supposed to make announcements if the site is down?.. That was the whole point when there were so many attacks/site outtages.