6 months after leaving my old workplace, I got a email last night asking where things were. I can’t even.
Send an invoice for $2500 and wait until paid in full before replying
Haaaa wish I’d thought of this.
new number who dis
Update to the spontaneous country day trip (if you don’t know: partner told me we’re going to the country today and the location is a surprise). He took us to two spots.
The first was a coffee pit stop at the Dromkeen Gallery in Riddells Creek. Everyone was so friendly and they let us drink our coffee in the prime spot: in front of the open fire. Very cosy, especially as it gets extra nippy out that way. The baby enjoyed the never-ending piles of picture books and we bought one about Migaloo the white whale to take home.
Then we forged onward. I still didn’t know where we were going. I have to admit I was starting to feel a bit uncertain when we turned down some bumpy dirt roads and the baby started to get upset. But it soon all became clear: we were headed to the Mount Macedon Winery for lunch! My oh my it was absolute heaven. Completely delicious. And the ambiance was so relaxed that the baby just chilled and people-watched while partner and I got in some quality time together.
All in all a very nice day!
10 years on Reddit. Not a word.
2 weeks on Lemmy, MrsGod asks what my username name is🫠
I should do some cleaning, but
this is happening.
oh well. Cleaning can wait a bit.
Absolutely nothing must disturb that picture of peace
She has now disturbed herself, and relocated to the basket in the corner where she is in position to catch any afternoon sun should there be any.
basket case
I’m desperately pawing at the screen and nothing is happening but I can sense the restful bliss and gentle purring emanating from that photo. What an adorable little nook 😻
oh my
Aww kitty
deleted by creator
Feel free to add regular snippets of knowledge. I’d be interested in knowing more about First Nations languages - and as I know next to nothing now anything you add is bound to be new to me!
I think it’s funny how Aust-tralia meant south but Aust-ria meant east.
They’ve been teaching the kids down here a bit of Palawakani in schools lately. I think it’s a nice initiative.
Oh, etymology, the study of insects!
I referenced pinky and the brain today at work, and my younger co worker just stared at me like wtf. Bloody whippersnappers these days!
What did you say? What was the reference? You can’t just leave us hanging like that 😛
LOL well I just said him and the other supervisor reminded me of them cos he is lanky and tall and the other has a massive head!
And then the obligatory humming of the theme/intro song dududududuuuu dududududuuuu one is a genius the others insaaaane
My little man is turning 8 today! I got him a Scalextric slot car racing track. One with loop-de-loops.
I had a normal oval track back in the late 70s, and was so jealous of kids that had ones with loops.
I can’t wait to set it up and play it with him.
Oh man I loved Scaletrics when I was a kid!
Happy birthday to him!
Best way to teach respect for electricity. I approve. A few small shocks are far more educational that one big one. I miss penny bungers for their power to teach respect for trajectory.
I refer to my dog as Little Man, so for a moment I picturing a little dog happily wagging its tail while watching slot cars race around. Twas an excellent mental image, thank you!
Happy birthday to your kiddo!
Strange but rewarding day today.
Had to call WorkSafe cause someone had an ouch that meant we had to call 000. The ouch was minor and a pre-existing condition. So they’re all good.
Someone also had a pre-employment drug test that needs further investigation on the THC front.
But I also:
Held a really good job interview with someone I’m going to hire.
Helped my manager represent our department in a global meeting for our company where we are seen as pioneers for OHS.
Held my own in a meeting to develop SWMS for a national team.
Definitely one of my more rewarding days since I started. It has been a rollercoaster the entire time and I love it, even on the days where it challenges me.
Upon waking partner instructed me to “get ready for a country trip today, you can’t say no and the destination is a surprise” so I guess we are going on a day trip 🤠
Ooh how mysterious! I’ll need closure later!
I love this!! Looking forward to hearing how it goes! Have fun!
I have to go shopping and it’s fucking cold. I gouda go or I run the risk of a severe cheese shortage over the weekend.
You cheddar get going it’s not getting warmer.
It might be a bit Brie-zy out there, but rug up & you’ll be fine
If you don’t go now, you won’t be able to camem-bare it later
You better not be stil(ton) at home…
Just get in and out as swissftly as you can
Have you fon-done it yet, or parmigia-no?
haha look at what the Spotify desktop app does to the progress bar when you play Star Wars music. It’s a lil lightsaber!
Image is of the spotify progress bar being a lil lightsaber
That’s so CUTE
I only just made the connection about what your username means 🤦♂️
Thought I was born in 1982 before now hey? 😉😉 (dw you’re not the only DTer who has belatedly and then publicly acknowledged that they just got the name)
It’s okay, for about 3 months I was reading melbabouttowns flair as “Melba-thome” rather than “Melb-at-homd”
just a general question, is this place managed by the same mods on r/Melbourne or a different group of individuals?
I wasn’t personally enjoying the overall experience over there, just wondering what the vibe is here comparatively.
I believe the mods here are not the same.
The vibe here is a respectful and friendly one. It was on the original DT too.
Different people. From what I can tell there were only a few mods on r/Melbourne that are still actively moderating, and they were spending their time on a Discord group.
Lodion (who I believe is in Perth) set up this Lemmy instance with all the Australian groups set up, I wandered in and saw a familiar looking group & a daily thread, and put my hand up to moderate. If you look at the older posts there is some discussion there about what people want from the group that I used to write the community guidelines - that and this daily thread is probably the best way to see what the vibe here is. 🙂
thank you and thanks all, good to know! was a bit gloomy over there :D
Please join us for some friendly banter anytime.
Nah it’s completely seperate from r/melbourne, mods aren’t involved. Much more positive vibe over here!
Off to the bee man later today to purchase 8kg of banksia honey :D
That is a lot of honey. I just finished a 500g jar I bought probably 2 years ago!
Is it just for general eating, or do have special plans for it?
mead I beelive.
Mead is correct. Making a big 23L batch of traditional with just the honey for flavour and then will split it after fermentation to play around with adding oak, tannins, acids and back sweetening to start to explore how they all effect the final product :D
I want you as a friend so I can steal your mead.
Friends dont steal friends mead :P
It would be a trade for my amazing company. Also, I can help make it, I have experience brewing beer and washes!
Can you make sima?
It looks easy enough, its a pretty quick process by the looks of it. Just mix some ingredients, add yeast, leave for a day and then bottle, consume in about a week
A month is better apparently, but that’s neither here nor there I suppose.
I’ll buy some off you if you feel up to the challenge?
From what i read you make then bottle straight away and it is meant to be low alcohol, if you left it for a month you would have to be alot more careful regarding sugar quantity otherwise you would end up with higher abv and risk of bottle bombs. I dont have any bottles at the moment because none of our batches are ready to bottle yet, maybe ill grab a few extra when i buy some and ill give it a go for you :)
Your life is series of Zelda side quests - and I’m here for all of it.
Also, that is a fuckload of honey homey.
Haha i like that way of looking at it :P It certainly is, got some funny looks last time i went in there and asked for 6kg, a couple in the shop thought i was crazy haha. I just take the big fermenter bucket in with me and get him to decant it straight into that, that way i only have to sanitise the fermenter once and dont have to try to get the last little bit of honey out of multiple jars!!
Do bees discriminate between trees?
Oh I know this one! Bees distrimimate based on food availability, as different trees flower at different times of the year. A wild honeybee nest will forage hotspots within ~6km, but Typically will stay within a km. The different honeys are classified by the beekeepers who follow the “golden highway” as different species bloom, and knowing what the bees were foraging before harvesting leads to the type of honey produced. It’s been a while since I thought about bees, so as always, feel free to fact check and correct!
Honey from different plants tastes different. You’ll get something super different in a clovery meadow than you would in a stand of ironbark trees.
Beekeepers can move their hives around. Bee man has probably got a reliable stand of banksia for them to buzz in
What Alamut said :) Banksia has been my favourite of all the honeys ive tried so far, which is why i chose it for this traditional so that i can try to really celebrate that flavour :D
All these settings on the oven and I just use the one setting. Forever.
Office rant. If you’re gonna sit next to me and cough every 30 seconds then please just go tf home.
Also, someone did a big poo in the ladies and it’s stinking the whole place. I don’t like this one bit. That is all.