It’s one of my favorite activities. I know they might not grow everywhere but every time I find a nice patch of white-dwarf clover I love just spending 5 minutes leaning over and looking through it. You can almost always find a 4-leaf one with some patience and a little luck, and it’s such a calming task that gets you looking at nature in the middle of your day.

    • OptimistPrime
      2 years ago

      That’s so awesome. I’ve been thinking about converting my lawn to clover, if nothing else to just not have to mow it as often. How often do you mow yours?

    2 years ago

    When we build our house I didn’t have the budget for landscaping, so I decided to just let whatever native plant wanted to come in to claim to soil. I’ve been very pleased with my whole lawn begining nothing but clover ❤️ When people visit they advise me that I need to do something about it. I don’t get it. Why put in work to make something grow there that doesn’t want to and fight off a wonderful little plant that has volunteered to fill the niche?

    Bonus: I love the carpet of white puffball flowers they make and all the bees and butterflies it attacts. Better to let nature do as it will than fight against it ❤️