Man we need ranked ballots.
It would be the perfect time for the Liberals to change polling method, now that they’re about to lose yet still have the NDP’s backing.
No. Ranked ballot is literally the worst electoral reform. It doesn’t lead to proportional representation. It just favours the most moderate party, since they would be everyone’s second choice. We need something like STV or MMPR
Ranked ballot is literally the worst electoral reform. […] We need something like STV or MMPR
STV is one of many voting systems based on ranked ballots.
While it would tend towards more moderate, it would also lean towards the side most Canadians prefer naturally.
Still better than first-past-the-post.
It just favours the most moderate party
I’m struggling to see the downside here.
I can’t understand how people look at PP and think “there is a reputable dude who relates to the working class” Meanwhile he has never had a real job in his life, is the personification of a wedgie, and has only made clear policy statements about identity politics.
I can’t understand how people look at PP
If you’re the average Canadian and your rent has doubled or tripled, groceries have jumped 50%, and your health care system is collapsing in the last 8 years since Trudeau took power isn’t desperately wanting any alternative an obvious reaction? Many districts are effectively a two party race and if your only goal is to ensure Trudeau isn’t PM, the Cons are your only options.
I’m not saying Pollievre will make any meaningful difference, but at the very least he’s been saying our housing system is broken. Trudeau’s had 8 years and things have only become much worse.
People should look into the seperation of powers in this country. Rent and health care are provincial responsibilities, grocery bills are moved by market forces and on the rise globally, anyone pinning this on the LPC and thinking conservatives could fix it are in for a nasty surprise.
That’s too much to expect from the average Canadian which is why the cons control the majority of the provinces despite royally fucking them up. Canadians don’t understand how government works.
It’s mouseland, just like Tommy Douglas said. People are incapable of conceiving of voting for the NDP, even when they know that red and blue will both fuck them.
no please no
I think everyone is missing the key datapoint: “Sample Size: 1300 online”
1300 is a reasonable sample size but you gotta wonder what pool it’s from
Don’t mind me in the corner with a grin on my face, watching the green party gaining traction 👉👍
So the (likely high) “undecided” percentage is . . . Oh, wait . . .
Plus, we’re not in the run-up to an election right now. There’s plenty of time for Polievre to shoot himself in the foot before it starts to matter. Or for Trudeau to do something that garners him a lot of positive press, although that seems less likely.
(To put it another way, this is fearmongering. Vote when the time comes, but don’t pay too much attention otherwise.)
Voter suppression like with the last Ontario election. News media is in on it. Fuck I wish we had proportional representation. We have a clear majority of parties that represent the majority of Canadians and aren’t Conservative fuck wits.
I hate our electoral system as much as the next person, but as an Ontarian I can tell you that our low participation was entirely our own doing.
I’m definitely mad that DoFo won a majority with a minority of the votes, but with something like 40% turnout I mainly put the blame at the feet of the apathetic losers who didn’t show up. Young people especially, out of my close friend group of 10 people there were 2 of us (including myself) who voted.
Voter suppression is why the turnout was so low. For WEEKS prior to the election, all you saw in newspapers, TV, and internet was how dominating DoFo’s lead was.
All Polievre has done is shoot himself in the foot
There’s plenty of time for Polievre to shoot himself in the foot
His shoes are de facto crocs already and somehow enough people still think he’s able to stand for them.
The CPC would be a really prominent political party if everyone else didn’t hate them… but never underestimate the sheer amount of willpower the LPC puts behind overtaking the CPC in that regard.
Looking at the news out of India, I wonder if some of that affected Trudeau with Indians eligible to vote in Canada.
Looks like the media and people there are really running with it, even if it’s not a good look for their government
Indians eligible to vote in Canada.
Those are called Canadians.
Pierre is so dominant now. People are looking for a quick fix most likely.
It’s the classic scheme of the third party. Conservatives fund the NDP to split the liberal vote, and off to another conservative government. Fml
That’s… not how parliamentary governments work.
You’re not voting for a PM, you’re voting for an MP and if a bunch of MPs from different parties decide to band together in a coalition they can force in a government from a non-plurality party.
Doesn’t matter how it works in the technical sense. Many people will vote or not vote for a party based on their leader.
That’s cool - but it still won’t result in a third party spoil. Because the system doesn’t work like that.
I … dont see how that applies to what I just said. You’re ignoring a lot about politics and looking at the “bright side scenario” to come to that conclusion, it’s unlikely to happen and is still advantageous to conservatives eho can do the same. You’re still voting for a party on a spectrum
It’s not an unlikely scenario, the past two elections haven’t resulted in a majority government (which I personally think is extremely healthy). If this poll was the seat proportion on election day we’d likely see something a bit rarer where the plurality party would be excluded from government but it’d be pretty consistent with the past two elections… Trudeau’s popularity slumps while CPC palatability to other Canadians continues to decline. Lil’ PP certainly isn’t going to attract any centrist voters.
People are taking your bait on the 3rd party bullshit, but this cannot be overlooked:
Conservatives fund the NDP
Don’t choke on your tinfoil or anything. Especially not in the name of supporting a right wing party LARPing as something progressive.
Sure, liberals are LARPing as progressive. I’m sure you’re going to be thrilled when the conservatives start turning over abortion laws, bring religion into politics and cut more checks to the corporations. That’s what they did to our teeth last time. Or better yet, them spending time REDUCING the legal age of consent. Yknow, very cool and very legal policies.