Because everywhere I look, it’s just the same insane lies and mental gymnastics regurgitated straight from r/politics, with all the same refusal to even acknowledge the slightest of errors in anything they believe

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    You should check your carbon monoxide alarm. Also maybe check if your plumbing is made of lead?

    TLDR of every comment chain - OP has a total meltdown. Regularly calls people the Hard R and tells them to shoot themselves. Claims to be “calm”

    • be_excellent_to_each_other
      19 months ago

      While this was fun to read, hijacking the top comment to say don’t feed the trolls folks. Blocking’s not the nuclear option here, it’s the first option. Not sure why it seems culturally different like that in the fediverse, but somehow it is, and we should embrace it.

      Block early, block often. (Unless you truly enjoy arguing with trolls, which is totally fair.)

      Leave the bigots with no one to talk to but themselves.

      • @No1RivenFuckerOP
        -39 months ago

        Lmao hilarious how you come here to defend the trolls.

        • @No1RivenFuckerOP
          -89 months ago

          Why should I give known leftist trolls like you a proper response?

            • @No1RivenFuckerOP
              -69 months ago

              Lmao projecting your own anger or something? I just want people like you gone.

            • @No1RivenFuckerOP
              -79 months ago

              No, liar trolls like you are the problem. It’s not everywhere, just this one website full of people like you.

              • @[email protected]
                69 months ago

                I haven’t said a single lie all day, nor have I trolled anything.

                I answered your question, then you decided to go on some unhinged rant telling me to kill myself because I disagree with you

                • @No1RivenFuckerOP
                  -59 months ago

                  You’ve told multiple lies throughout this thread you worthless rat. Go jump off a bridge

      • squiblet
        39 months ago

        In my experience, people who post these “everything is r/politics and nobody wants to have a real discussion!” posts don’t want to have a real discussion. So, here we go.

        • @No1RivenFuckerOP
          -69 months ago

          Feel free to point me in the direction of some communities open to discussion then if you’d like to prove me wrong.

          • squiblet
            69 months ago

            Some communities where you can tell people to kill themselves? Try 4chan.

          • @[email protected]
            59 months ago

            Ive asked questions to open a discussion and you’ve ignored it. Clearly you aren’t interested in a discussion. You just want to insult people and tell them to kill themselves

  • @[email protected]
    99 months ago

    Judging by your comment history you’re not interested in actual conversation, just being right.

    • @No1RivenFuckerOP
      -109 months ago

      Why, because I refuse to accept insane delusions as an equal alternative to the real world?

      • @[email protected]
        79 months ago

        No, because your responses are attacks and not in good faith, which is typical of conservative posters.

        • @No1RivenFuckerOP
          -129 months ago

          Lmao checked your history. Like I give a fuck what a Democrat shill like you has to offer, considering all you do is spam your retarded bullshit about how it’s impossible for anyone to legitimately hold positions you don’t support. Way to prove my point you worthless rat

          • @[email protected]
            99 months ago

            And there it is

            The problem isn’t other people not being able to have sane conversations, it’s you that are not able to have sane conversations.

            If you actively support sexism, racism, homophobia or transphobia you’re a shitty person. Voting for the Republican Party in the last 6 years is explicit support of that.

              • @[email protected]
                79 months ago

                Again, the problem isn’t with other people. You wonder why you can’t have a sane conversation and then you go off like this.

                • @No1RivenFuckerOP
                  -99 months ago

                  I’m plenty capable of having a sane conversation. I just see no sense in sparing the effort for retarded trolls like you who treat dissent as automatically in bad faith. If you can’t even admit that much, I see no reason in further interacting with your spam.

  • @[email protected]
    59 months ago

    Hey OP, maybe it’s time you take a break from scrolling/posting and do something relaxing and enjoyable. I don’t think arguing politics with people online is accomplishing anything but increasing your blood pressure.

      • @No1RivenFuckerOP
        -69 months ago

        Lmao you’re desperate to pretend you’re not the problem here, eh?

        • @[email protected]
          89 months ago

          How am I the problem?

          I’ve not made any personal attacks, I havent even attacked any of your views (unless you’re proudly homophobic, transphobic, sexist and racist)

          You’re clearly not interested in conversation across the aisle, despite your title and instead just wanted to be told you’re right.

          • @No1RivenFuckerOP
            -59 months ago

            You’re the problem because you’re a retarded troll peddling bullshit. Like here, where you claim to have never attacked my views despite having multiple statements in your history claiming that irs impossible for a conservative to have honest views.

            • @[email protected]
              59 months ago

              I’ll stand by that point. If you’re a homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist person, then yes, you should be called out about it.

              However that wasn’t in this thread. You chose to make it about that. I entered this thread willing to have an honest conversation and you decided the best response to that is to tell me to kill myself. That’s not a problem with me, that’s a problem with you.

              • @No1RivenFuckerOP
                -69 months ago

                I entered this thread willing to have an honest conversation

                No you didn’t. You opened with a brazen lie about me, so I returned the favor and checked your history, which, as it turns out, is full of brain dead rhetoric about how much you think nobody can validity hold opinions you don’t share

          • @No1RivenFuckerOP
            -69 months ago

            You’re the problem because you come here peddling lies

            • @[email protected]
              69 months ago

              Again, show those lies then. Everyone else can see this thread too. If I’m lying so much it should be easy to point out multiple examples.

              • @No1RivenFuckerOP
                -69 months ago

                It’s everything you say you colossal fucking imbecile.

                • @[email protected]
                  39 months ago

                  So nothing specific, cause there’s nothing to point out. If I was lying all over you’d be able to quote multiple instances of it instead of broadly gesturing at the world because you can’t handle being wrong

    • @No1RivenFuckerOP
      -39 months ago

      Lmao I’m perfectly relaxed, laying back with a beer in hand enjoying my Friday night, enjoying all the retarded trolls desperate to prove my point

  • LanternEverywhere
    59 months ago

    Tell us an example of these “insane lies and mental gymnastics” that you’re alluding to.

    • @No1RivenFuckerOP
      -79 months ago

      For instance, one of the largest power users on this instance is claiming that rfk Jr is actually decades long Republicans psyop and has perpetually feigned all of his political positions just to undermine democrats this one election.

    • @No1RivenFuckerOP
      -89 months ago

      Or what about the other dumbass in this thread with the extremely enlightened position of “everyone who doesn’t agree with me is just a bigot and participating in bad faith”

      • @[email protected]
        89 months ago

        If you do bigoted things (like voting for trump) you get called out for being a bigot. Who fuckin knew?

        • @No1RivenFuckerOP
          -109 months ago

          Funny how you have to resort to more and more lies. Proving my point endlessly

          • @Enigma
            59 months ago

            Can you point out where in that comment they lied? You keep saying this person is lying, in this thread specifically, but your responses have just been “you’re lying!!!” So please, what exactly about that comment is a lie? Genuinely trying to have a convo with you.

            • @[email protected]
              39 months ago

              Having a genuine conversation with them seems impossible. They’ve made up their mind that they have to disagree with me, so like the conservatives in our government they just point the finger at someone and claim they’re lying without any evidence to back it up.

              It’s the exact same thing that’s happening with the Biden impeachment trials. They have no evidence, but that’s never stopped them from claiming anything

              • @Enigma
                39 months ago

                Probably, but I couldn’t help myself.

            • @No1RivenFuckerOP
              -59 months ago

              Well, his very first comment was a lie. I’m not here for people to say I’m right. He then followed up by saying my comments are not in good faith, another lie. He follow up by doubling down on these false claims. Elsewhere in his history (which is fair game since he decided to attack mine), he claimed that conservatives don’t legitimately hold any of their positions and are just making excuses for bigotry, which de doubled down on here. He claimed that I’m a bigot, which is false. His response to you is just a bunch of dishonest crap.

              • @Enigma
                59 months ago

                So you’re being genuine when you’ve told people elsewhere on this thread to kill themselves? You genuinely want people to kill themselves over comments they made to you? Is that what you’re saying? Again, genuinely asking.

                I’m not concerned about your, or their, comment history. I’m concerned with this specific thread, since you’ve said numerous time that they’ve lied specially in this thread.

                I mean, I can completely understand why people think that those that voted for Trump are bigots. Trump himself has said some very questionable and bigoted things. But that doesn’t mean they’re a liar if you’re not a bigot, that’s their opinion and they are allowed to have that opinion, just like you’re allowed to have yours.

                • @No1RivenFuckerOP
                  9 months ago

                  So you’re being genuine when you’ve told people elsewhere on this thread to kill themselves?

                  Yes. I believe the world would be better off without them. Disagree if you like, nothing wrong with that, but im of the opinion that fixing our problems in any real capacity is going to require that we stop putting the focus on being polite and proper.

                  I’m not concerned about your, or their, comment history. I’m concerned with this specific thread, since you’ve said numerous time that they’ve lied specially in this thread.

                  Sure, but the primary axis of his lies regard his claims about me based on my history. Primarily, that I have not made this post, or any for that matter, in good faith.

                  I mean, I can completely understand why people think that those that voted for Trump are bigots

                  If being a bigot is just a matter of opinion, what’s the point in calling people it at all? Might as well be just another insult if the criteria is just whatever someone feels like at the moment, especially if the person in question doesn’t actually meet the proper definition of the term.

                • @No1RivenFuckerOP
                  -39 months ago

                  I don’t think about them particularly often.