      1 year ago


      People say that they stopped but they still do It today. The law against hooliganism was simply changed to another.

      Back in 2014 and 2015 several women in the Chinese MeToo movement were disappeared(social media removed and persons detained and sent to work camps or assumed killed). Several of which have still not been returned to thier loved ones.

      Homosexuality is legal but highly censored. Public displays can result in arrest. Social media of homosexual people and homosexual topics are often removed.

      Homosexuals are not allowed to marry. 80% of Bisexual and Homosexual men enter “sham marriages” either due to toxic homophobia and so they can be granted equal rights. Data is unknown on homosexual and bisexual women, but it likely similar.

      Trans peoples rights are equally stifled. People are free to identify and SRS is legal but someone who is Transgender is forced to live as their birth gender until SRS has been completed. However, people who have undergone SRS still have to conform to gender segregated rules as their birth gender, such as washrooms and schooling. Like with feminism and homosexuality, public displays can result in arrest and their social media gets censored.