When you’re on the hunt for a new USB power adaptor, you may come across a few options with gallium nitride (GaN) technology. These charging bricks tend to be a bit expensive. But due to their reduced size and increased charging ability, a GaN charger may be your ideal purchase. It could even help you save money in the long run.

Most USB chargers use silicon semiconductors. Gallium nitride (GaN) is simply a power-efficient alternative to silicon. It allows a charger to achieve small size without a reduction in charging speed or thermal performance. A GaN charger is ideal for travelling or powering several high-wattage devices, such as laptops.

With more and more laptops charging through USB-C, and more phones making use of ultra-fast charging, you’ll start to notice that the silicon based chargers can get really hot during charging these devices.

Instead of buying a large silicon-based charger that only has two ports (with a shared throughput), you can buy a GaN charger with four, five, or even six high-speed charging ports.

#technology #chargers #GaN

  • nii236@lemmy.jtmn.dev
    2 年前

    Even backend devs! Docker is lightweight, Go (what I use) is also super light. Maybe if a dev ran VMs and worked with JVM monstrosities, but those guys would be using a Windows intel beast machine anyway.

    • Orygin
      2 年前

      Yeah, I’m a Go dev too and running some services locally is no issue, but our local Dev env used to run in a VM with a lot of stuff on it. The M1 chugs along without an issue but the Intel macs just throttle immediately.

      I do believe for this the pro is way better than the air