I’d like to ask for @TheDude to make a server-wide announcement, visible to all members of this instance, that a binding vote about defederation is currently taking place.

Without knowing what the Lemmy UI allows, I was hoping for a text similar to the one informing new users that email verification is currently enabled. Here is what I would like the announcement to entail:

“A binding vote to defederate from another instance is currently taking place in /c/TheAgora. Should the vote be accepted, no users of sh.itjust.works will be able to access the defederated instance or interact with users of that defederated instance anywhere on Lemmy. Should the vote fail, the instance to be defederated remains federated, its content may still be shown on the home feed of sh.itjust.works and the users of that instance may still participate in discussion on this instance.”

I am of the very strong opinion, that no vote should be binding, unless it was announced early enough to all members of this instance! This vote will have instance-wide consequences, the fact that it is taking place needs to be broadcasted beyond this community!

Edit: fix typos (again)

  • @qwamqwamqwam
    311 year ago

    Please god no, this agora shit has enough HOA vibes as it is without a bunch of busybodies making their crusade everybodies problem. I’m in favor of defederating and I’m still sick of seeing it on my feed.

  • Captain Aggravated
    221 year ago

    The current policy is, a [Discussion] thread runs for a week, then a [Vote] thread runs for a week. How is that not enough time?

    • @Trekman10
      11 year ago

      It’s a good amount of time in my view, but I also think that without some active means of “pushing” the vote to people who aren’t actively checking The Agora and who might not stumble across it in their subscriptions or local feed, we risk many people not having a chance to give their input.

  • @Socsa
    1 year ago

    Look if we are really going to do the direct democracy thing this problem will always exist. More engaged users will rule the forum, and less engaged users will feel marginalized and make excuses or demand concessions when votes don’t go their way. The only way around this is to enforce some kind of quorum threshold but that will almost certainly never work. Pinned announcements will just flood the forum unless you restrict the number of possible votes per week, which might be an interesting thing to try.

    I personally kind of think it’s a bad idea (this brand of forum democracy), but I’m also curious to see the experiment play out.

  • @Difficult_Bit_1339M
    161 year ago

    I think having an announcement of the [Vote] results along with an invitation for people to check out the Agora would be useful. That way users will enter at the start of the cycle and can have time to read and participate with the discussion during the week.

  • Fisting for Freedom
    1 year ago

    I was able to find this sub, read the announcements and discussion, and vote. I came here because I was curious about the self-governance experiment. Are you interested in increasing voting, or engagement with governance.? They’re related but not the same.

    Separately, I think we should rename the process “defenestration.”

    • @couscouscivil
      131 year ago

      Separately, I think we should rename the process “defenestration.”

      Seconded. Any objection in the assembly?

      • Ludwig van Beethoven
        121 year ago

        Objection: defederation is a beautifully descriptive name. You remove an instance from the Federation. Defenestration is funny, but doesn’t give any context.

  • @grumpydwarf
    151 year ago

    This seems like a lot of drama over having to just log into your account on that instance instead of seeing it in your All feed.

  • Contextual Idiot
    151 year ago

    I think that would be overkill. The current Vote thread has 327 upvotes and 419 comments, so it’s definitely being seen.

    • @Difficult_Bit_1339M
      141 year ago

      Also, having people come in and vote who didn’t take part in the discussion can be problematic as they’ll have a pretty shallow understanding of the topic and the arguments for and against.

      • Dirk Darkly
        31 year ago

        This seems like a rash generalization. I’m sure there’s plenty of people who can understand the concept without reading everyone else’s opinion on it.

        Besides, we shouldn’t try to limit voting on topics that affect everybody to just the people that spend their days arguing on here. This has a server wide impact and should be announced server wide.

  • @ted
    141 year ago

    I won’t downvote because I think that it’s rude to do so when disagreeing, however I think you may be overestimating how much people want access to the entire fediverse. Especially parts of it that are overtly hateful. This post is melodramatic.

    • @snota
      81 year ago

      The internet has zero chill.

  • @mrpants
    111 year ago

    “from another instance”. Name the instance. It’s exploding-heads. It’s not “another instance” it’s a vile instance full of trash and hate.

    • @Trekman10
      21 year ago

      They’re probably speaking broadly since this won’t be the last time we vote.

  • @ItsJason
    81 year ago

    According to this earlier announcement, voting will run for a week. I don’t see a need to push notifications out. Just check weekly for votes. A discussion will precede a vote, so interested users will have had time to know the vote was coming/happening.

  • @thirdorbital
    51 year ago

    I’m not certain all that is necessary but I agree there should be no more than one active vote at a time and it should be pinned to the top. It’s quite easy to miss what’s going on if you don’t happen to log in every day.

    • @Socsa
      61 year ago

      Limiting the number of votes kind of has the same vulnerability though. Bad actors can flood the queue with dumb shit to push important votes to delay or create vote fatigue.

      Personally, I kind of think there’s a reason why direct democracy isn’t used for this kind of stuff. If we really want a democratic forum we should have representatives, checks and balances, quorums, etc.

      • Ludwig van Beethoven
        1 year ago

        Bad actors can flood the queue with dumb shit to push important votes to delay or create vote fatigue.

        This is why only mods can create [Vote] posts.

      • @BaldDude
        61 year ago

        Personally, I kind of think there’s a reason why direct democracy isn’t used for this kind of stuff. If we really want a democratic forum we should have representatives,

        Looking at the current state of the real world and real representative systems, i’m quite excited to see where this small direct democracy thing here is going.

        –> Hey it works for the swiss, maybee it can work for us too. ;)

      • @Revelrous
        41 year ago

        People are going to get a lesson on why democracy can be a messy business.

        It’s a fun thought experiment carrying the idea through. How would we district?

        • @Socsa
          1 year ago

          Lower house - comprised of randomly assigned “districts” of active users with a fixed size which reshuffle every so often. The purpose here is largely to create a class of “professional” administrative citizens who are required to register a vote for their district. Not voting would result in an immediate reelection in the district.

          Middle house - every local community over some size, or gated by other criteria gets two representatives, plus bonus reps for size/activity/whatever up to some maximum.

          Upper house - forum-wide vote by ranked choice. Admin gets some nominating spots, and the other legislative bodies do as well.

          • @Hanabie
            61 year ago

            What are we, a community or a government simulator?

          • @Revelrous
            1 year ago

            Three houses! Interesting. Ok, now I want there to be a civics community to argue this out, lol.

            Edit: Also, this instance is billed as bilingual… have we told the francophones about any of this? Je suis un croissant and all that.

            • @Socsa
              21 year ago

              In this case the upper house effectively acts as an executive proxy or “small council” since the admin is functionally a monarch, and always will be.

      • @Trekman10
        21 year ago

        Couldn’t we just point out that when it happens and just remove the bad faith votes? Direct democracy often encounters issues because the community isn’t united in the goal of consensus-based decision making. Ideally, we should encourage this instance to shift towards consensus-making instead of simple y/n votes that might still result in large amounts of users feeling ignored or unwelcome.

        The conversation should take place with the goal in mind being to reach decisions for the community that most people can abide by - this is why I’ve been supportive of making voting exclusive to accounts on this instance.