There was a very recent post requesting a defederation with

The post was requesting it due to a large amount of anti Israeli posts and celebrations of the deaths of Israeli citizens both military and civilian.

I’ve checked the modlog in hopes of understanding why those actions were taken, but no note was left. I’d like to ask why those actions were taken. Thanks!

  • @[email protected]
    499 months ago

    I for one am in favor. I strongly dislike them and the hexbears. They talk all kinds of shit about being open to arguing and dunking on libs, they’ll brigade other instances and communities, but ban you for having a different opinion in their instance. It’s wild.

    • @[email protected]
      299 months ago

      Yup. Got banned for telling an admin to stop throating putin’s cock. Admittedly fairly charged language, but fucking accurate.

      Fun fact they immediately whatabout’d the US working with nazis. Like, shit fam we can both agree that’s bad, why the fuck do you only have a problem when I criticize you for licking authoritarian boots?

      • @[email protected]
        9 months ago

        For real. Meanwhile they always seem to forget the thousands of Nazi scientists hired by the USSR after WW2. What coincidence 🤪


        I got banned from hexbear for saying something like it’s “based that for free Biden’s admin got the IMF to loan Pakistan money at the cost of sending weapons to Ukraine to fight our enemies for free.”

        I got banned from Lemmygrad for pointing out that China is a fasco-capitalst state that manipulates its currency to keep the party members rich and factory workers poor, which doesn’t feel very socialist to me.

    • @[email protected]OP
      159 months ago

      I wish getting banned by them would lead to me not seeing their posts, I’d run a ban% speed run in a heartbeat if it did.

    • amio
      149 months ago

      Almost like a big bunch of trolls who were never interested in discussing shit.

      Proper instance blocking needs to show up. Like… yesterday would be good.

  • @[email protected]
    189 months ago

    The situation in the Middle East is very nuanced people with serious legitimate grievances on every side. Getting multiple view points we disagree with is healthy.

    This issue is very emotional for a lot of people. As a community we’re going to have to give some leeway to people reacting emotionally, before we de-federate.

    • @[email protected]OP
      329 months ago

      You’re absolutely correct, the thing I take issue with is no matter how nuanced the issue is, they are members of cheering for the deaths of innocent civilians.

      No matter what the situation is, that’s really not ok and that’s why the user was making the ask.

      • @[email protected]
        -179 months ago

        As long as they were saying it on communities on their instance, I don’t think that should be grounds for defederation.

        When people participate in communities hosted on other instances, and misbehave, that should be grounds for de-federation.

        We’re not going to solve world peace here on Lemmy. But we can at least try to understand each other

        • @Hanabie
          199 months ago

          If they say it on their instance and you can see it on yours, they’re not saying it “on their instance”, unless we get an option to block whole instances.

          • @[email protected]
            159 months ago

            FYI, users are going to get the option to block whole instances in the next version of Lemmy coming out in a few weeks.

        • @[email protected]OP
          139 months ago

          I can’t agree with your stance.

          I have no tolerance for bigotry, racism, trans hate or any other kind of xenophobic bullshit. If someone wants to hate someone who has done nothing to them, I would love for that person to get fucked.

          Too much hate in the world and tolerance of it does nothing to solve the problem.

    • @[email protected]
      169 months ago

      I just dislike that their collective emotional reaction always seems perfectly calculated to be to the benefit of the CCP or Russia, no matter the topic.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      They’re. Tankies.

      This isn’t the only issue they have genuinely brain damage level takes on.

    • @[email protected]OP
      79 months ago

      Thank you for the information that more than satisfies my curiosity. You take care as well!

    • @can
      69 months ago

      Won’t the 0.19 changes just allow you to block instances from appearing in your feed? Won’t you still have to interact with the users?

      • MamboGator
        9 months ago

        Yeah, I don’t think this should be left to the users to block on their own even if it is available in a future update. Defederation exists as an option specifically for instances like lemmygrad. Ever since I joined Lemmy, everything I’ve seen in the main feed from lemmygrad stands out as extremist. Most of the communities I have blocked come from lemmygrad.

        • @insomniac
          19 months ago

          The other side is that federation exists so you’re not tied to an instance if it no longer reflects your values. Why not move since seems to want to stay federated? Other instances have lemmygrad blocked.

    • @[email protected]
      -29 months ago

      We are discussing the request for defederation, but the consensus is that this may not be needed, since the 0.19 Lemmy update is expected to roll out in the upcoming weeks. This update will also enable users to block whole instances, and hopefully, address a big chunk of the issue we seem to be having here.

      That doesn’t address the broader issue of cultivating an instance culture that tolerates people **celebrating **the literal rape and murder of civilians. Instance defederations aren’t just so that individuals don’t have to deal with other individuals - they’re to prevent the cultivation of a common culture that the defederating instance regards as unacceptable. Like Hexbear trolling. In this case, it is’s celebration of the rape and murder of civilians.

      Like, I can’t emphasize this enough. I’m anti-Israel enough that I regularly get accused of antisemitism. I think Israel is an apartheid regime flirting with fascism and turning Gaza into an open air prison that’s just short of genocide (may not be short of genocide much longer). This is not an issue of “Palestine vs. Israel - normal politics!”, it’s an issue of the celebration of horrific atrocities and what tolerating that in the instance entails. Just like with Hexbear, the answer isn’t “Block the instance” (when the instance block is released). This is an issue of communities.

      Mull on the decision, sure, but “Individuals can block” isn’t really addressing what’s core here.

  • Madrigal
    159 months ago

    Don’t know, but it did come across as a very one sided perspective.

    • @[email protected]OP
      99 months ago

      It definitely did, but it didn’t seem all that different from similar requests in the past. My experience has been that people will typically either agree or disagree and lay out reasons why.

        • @[email protected]OP
          129 months ago

          Nah homie, OP was quoting the things being said by the users with links to the quotes. I’m honestly wondering if the mods may have misread it as you had.

            • @[email protected]OP
              9 months ago

              I don’t remember seeing that.

              What I do remember seeing was quoted statements with links at the end of the quote to the exact comment.

              I’ve already seen one person mistake the quotes for actual statements from the user, could it be this was the situation?:

              Op made post with the quotes. Commentor A read the post and mistook the quotes for statements Commentor A response as a normal person would “hey stop saying shitty things” Op responds with more negative quoted statements

              It feels weird but I’ve seen people be obstinate for no good reason on Lemmy before.

              Lemme know what you think since I missed that comment thread.

              Also, looks like the ban was updated to a 24 hour ban with a message “stop the hate speech” which I feel adds weight to my recollection of the situation and theory that OP’s post was misread.

              Update: misread or not, OP is doing a lot of what looks like ban evasion. Even going as far as creating accounts on other instances.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Because this place is run by tankies. You have calls to violence popping up on the feed every single day and nobody gives a shit. Nobody.

    If they were Jan 6th trumpets though this place would be outraged.