It does not. “¿Por qué no?” means “Why not?” whereas “Porque no” means “Because not.” The spelling is similar, but the lack of a space changes the meaning.
Garbage in, garbage out. You asked it to translate ungrammatical Spanish and it gave you a translation anyway, probably because lots of people accidentally write “por qué” as “porque”. It’s still wrong, though.
And “porque no” means “why not?”. Spanish is funny like that.
It does not. “¿Por qué no?” means “Why not?” whereas “Porque no” means “Because not.” The spelling is similar, but the lack of a space changes the meaning.
Cool, I can do that too.
Are you really trusting an AI over an actual speaker?
Hey guess what?
it apparently means both and we arrived at demonstrating that via the same method, automatic translation
I don’t care if you’re the king of Spain or the president of Mexico, doesn’t change the language
lastly and most importantly, I was referencing a popular meme in a glib manner. That’s what you’re so overzealous about “correcting”.![](
It does not mean both, and I was not the original person who corrected your usage. Your incorrect understanding does not change the language.
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“Go back to Reddit” is cringe AF.
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Garbage in, garbage out. You asked it to translate ungrammatical Spanish and it gave you a translation anyway, probably because lots of people accidentally write “por qué” as “porque”. It’s still wrong, though.
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