• WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Absolutely not that’s like me saying i punch anyone who is a Nazi then proceeding to punch you then say well i don’t think you a Nazi. The implication still stands now its just ass-covering in the shallowest form.

    Nazis drink water. I drink water. Did I just call myself a Nazi? Moron.

    i used logic to prove it being systemic is a race issue hence without race the issue would not exist therefore it is a problem of race/racism. You talk a lot about how “the system has measurably different outcomes for people of different races” without race you cannot make that measurement hence you are either unnecessarily defining an issue by race or the race itself is the issue I highly doubt its the race itself and in fact would actively fight against such a notion. I was simply pointing out how the Lie I allegedly told was actually just the logical extension of your very own assertion.

    If you want to draw racism as a conclusion from what I’ve pointed out, fill your boots - but to say that’s what I said is a lie.

    I was simply defending some innocent person (who did not appear to be a Nazi) who you implied was a Nazi. It is not falsifiable hence why i said i think of it as insurance (seems to be working). My perspective believes that implying something is just the cowards way of saying something hence didn’t lie you called him a Nazi (Or don’t have balls to actually say it).

    This shit again? Albert Einstein breathed air - so do you… You’re a weird moron, not a genius. Stop being weird and dumb. The empassioned white-knighting of a total stranger that I didn’t call a Nazi is so strange. I’m not touching this further - it’s dumb, irrelevant, obsessive, and boring. I’m clearly not afraid to call people names.

    Ok so its a catch 22 like a fee fee or a punishment for being punished.

    You don’t know what catch 22 or irony mean. No matter. Why would a lie about a lie be a logical fallacy, as you seem to imply? When it comes to pointing out your lies, it’s just another to count.

    so the system effects the race and to fix the system you wish to address the race is that is that a solution to a symptom or are you not simply separating the way u refer to the same thing would that not mean that it is one in the same would that not also mean it is a different same way of refer to the root cause of the issue.

    That’s… A sentence. In what way does the voice “fix” anyone’s race? If I shoot someone, the victim of the shooting isn’t the “root cause” - the shooter is. If a system is racist, the victim of the racism isn’t the root cause, the racism is. This just looks like victim blaming - would you just get to the point on this one, please? It seems you’re working overtime failing to set something up here.

    I have never defended the status quo simply that there should not be a divide of race within the constitution.

    No voice to parliament is the status quo - are you for the voice to parliament?

    As i said many many replied ago its a correlation to argue anything else is to argue that its race (the system as u put it see paragraph above). So far I have logically proven why every aspect of my perspective you have called a lie is in fact based in reality, will it be perfect no! But then again nobodies perspective is. You might find this hard to comprehend but 2 perspectives can be based in the same reality same facts and fundamentally disagree.

    I don’t care about the correlation - I care about the fact that we have a group we’ve robbed and genocided, leaving them materially worse off by almost any metric you’d like to look at. The system has materially worse outcomes for these people - unless you’d like to blame their genetics. When you have a system that creates this situation, what do you do to fix it? Again, there’s a reason I’m saying you’re defending the status quo - you’re pushing against change without offering an alternative, condemning us to the perpetuation of the current gap. The gap isn’t something you can credibly disagree with.

    so i just went back to make it abundantly clear why every so called “lie” i have allegedly told is in fact the logical extension of ur beliefs or in fact grounded in reality/common inference.

    You did a piss-poor job of drawing those links - I stand by the fact that you lied - hell - you conceded you lied.

    Ive never said u called me a Nazi i simply ensured that ur ego would prevent u from falling back on it and force u to rely on logic. Now we have established you calling me a lier was in fact one of 3 options u provided above please enlighten me to when when i have failed to engage with reality (make sure to include this as a list will make it easier for me to cut strait to the point and disprove them).

    Christ - you’re a fridge-temp IQ logic lord. The lies were the non-reality you based your argument on. I’ll also point out that your argument so far seems to be “I don’t like to acknowledge race when dealing with problems - don’t call me a Nazi”, which… Sure.

    Now let me explain the fourth option you have failed to provide. I provided a perspective that dividing race in the constitution goes against equality and can be argued is in fact racist itself. You where unwilling to accept this perspective and tried to steer the argument away from this to focus on other issues (the system).

    That’s not an explanation of the cause of the problem, it’s a prescription about the solution. Yes, in talking about the problem, I chose to talk about the problem.

    You then completely derailed the entire discussion preferring to take moral high ground and leave my whole original point alone because you cannot reconcile that perhaps dividing based upon race is in fact all the things you stand against while actively defending such a decision.

    You’ve failed to present any solution to the massive division along racial lines that results from the system - I know you don’t want to divide people based on race, but I’ve shown they are already - what’s your solution? The rest of this is irrelevant bullshit, and a product of the lies I felt compelled to point out. Drop the irrelevant bullshit and present a solution a solution, or fuck right off - I’ve got no interest in the rest.