- Really Really Free Markets
- Help your neighbors without homes
- Support prisoners
- Local currencies and credit systems
- Land repatriation
- Protect each other
- Mutual aid
- Food Not Bombs
- Civil disobedience
- Take to the streets
- Jury nullification
- Cooperative businesses
- Clean up your community
- Community workshops and skill-sharing
- Try a little kindness
What is the term for a society in which state power has been disbanded, and its functions replaced by corporations or cooperatives allowed to grow powerful due to operating in a free market?
Am I thinking of syndicalism?
A syndicalist society is one where the economy is managed by unions, usually anarchist unions.
Corporations are legal entities granted a charter by the state; the contradictory position that thinks corporations can exist without a state is Rothbardianism, often oxymoronically called anarcho-capitalism. The actual practice of adherents of this theory could be called neo-feudalism.
Thanks for clearing that up