- Really Really Free Markets
- Help your neighbors without homes
- Support prisoners
- Local currencies and credit systems
- Land repatriation
- Protect each other
- Mutual aid
- Food Not Bombs
- Civil disobedience
- Take to the streets
- Jury nullification
- Cooperative businesses
- Clean up your community
- Community workshops and skill-sharing
- Try a little kindness
Really Really Free Markets
agorism is capitalism without the state, that’s all.
The state existed before capitalism, and is a pre-requisite for capitalism. There is no such thing as capitalism without the state.
What is the term for a society in which state power has been disbanded, and its functions replaced by corporations or cooperatives allowed to grow powerful due to operating in a free market?
Am I thinking of syndicalism?
A syndicalist society is one where the economy is managed by unions, usually anarchist unions.
Corporations are legal entities granted a charter by the state; the contradictory position that thinks corporations can exist without a state is Rothbardianism, often oxymoronically called anarcho-capitalism. The actual practice of adherents of this theory could be called neo-feudalism.
Thanks for clearing that up
From what I understood those markets usually are not places for selling/buying stuff and more like temporary free shops were ressources get distributed. I dont see how this is capitalism or even agorism
See this zine (pdf dowbload) as my source
This is really cool - my current town doesn’t have anything to this scale, but we have an awesome Everything is Free Facebook group which operates 24-7, and people regularly organize free ‘yard sales’ through it, where many households in a neighborhood will all give stuff away on the same day. I’d love to see something on the flea market scale of the events they talk about in the zine someday, but I’m also proud of how effective and consistent the online group is.
Really really free markets isn’t agorism. It’s moneyless free exchange of second-hand goods. Agorism still uses money.